Miss You

Kate Eberlen
Pan Macmillan • 2016

Tess and Gus are meant to be. They just haven't met properly yet. And perhaps they never will . . . Today is the first day of the rest of your life is the motto on a plate in the kitchen at home, and ...Tess can't get it out of her head, even though she's in Florence for a final, idyllic holiday before university. Her life is about to change forever - but not in the way she expects. Gus and his parents are also on holiday in Florence. Their lives have already changed suddenly and dramatically. Gus tries to be a dutiful son, but longs to escape and discover what sort of person he is going to be. For one day, the paths of an eighteen-year-old girl and boy criss-cross before they each return to England.Over the course of the next sixteen years, life and love will offer them very different challenges. Separated by distance and fate, there's no way the two of them are ever going to meet each other properly . . . or is there?

  • Počet strán: 464 strán
  • ISBN13:9781509819935
  • Ďalšie vydania: Kde si?

Knihy ikar novinka recenzia young-adult

Nenápadná knižka s pomerne nudnou obálkou bola moja voľba pre januárovú recenziu číslo 1. Upútala ma najmä jej prvá veta: Dnes je prvý deň zvyšku tvojho života. Tá vlastne tiež nie je originálna, rovnako ako téma či dokonca samotný dej tohto romantického príbehu. Asi nie je úplne logické, že ho uvádzam takto nepríťažlivo, napriek tomu, […]

Čo ak človek, ktorého hľadáte, stojí hneď vedľa vás a vy o tom neviete? Dnes je prvý deň zvyšku tvojho života. Tess nedokáže pustiť z hlavy motto namaľované na ozdobnom tanieri, ktorý leží na poličke doma v kuchyni, ani keď je s najlepšou kamarátkou vo Florencii na posledných, priam idylických letných prázdninách. Čoskoro nastúpi na univerzitu v Londýne a nového života sa už nevie[...]

Tess and Gus are meant to be. They just haven't met properly yet. And perhaps they never will . . .

Today is the first day of the rest of your life is the motto on a plate in the kitchen at home, and Tess can't get it out of her head, even though she's in Florence for a final, idyllic holiday before university. Her life is about to change forever - but not in the way she expects.

Gus and his parents are also on holiday in Florence. Their lives have already changed suddenly and dramatically. Gus tries to be a dutiful son, but longs to escape and discover what sort of person he is going to be.

For one day, the paths of an eighteen-year-old girl and boy criss-cross before they each return to England.

Over the course of the next sixteen years, life and love will offer them very different challenges. Separated by distance and fate, there's no way the two of them are ever going to meet each other properly . . . or is there?