Etta and Otto and Russell and James

Emma Hooper
Fig Tree • 2015

I've gone. I've never seen the water, so I've gone there. I will try to remember to come back.Etta's greatest unfulfilled wish, living in the rolling farmland of Saskatchewan, is to see the sea. And s...o, at the age of eighty-two she gets up very early one morning, takes a rifle, some chocolate, and her best boots, and begins walking the 2,000 miles to water. Meanwhile her husband Otto waits patiently at home, left only with his memories. Their neighbour Russell remembers too, but differently - and he still loves Etta as much as he did more than fifty years ago, before she married Otto.

CZ a SK O knihách poviedky a novely česká literatúra čítanie na materskej e-kniha HOST Jota

Myslela som si, že nejakú dobu potrvá, než sa dostanem ku knihám, no ukázalo sa, že kojenie zaberá toľko hodín, až by bola škoda to nevyužiť. S bábätkom v tak tesnom objatí sa totiž veľa vecí robiť nedá. Môžem naňho pozerať, čo robím stále dosť dlho, lebo je to pohľad nádherný. Môžem sa najesť, čo […]

I've gone. I've never seen the water, so I've gone there. I will try to remember to come back.

Etta's greatest unfulfilled wish, living in the rolling farmland of Saskatchewan, is to see the sea. And so, at the age of eighty-two she gets up very early one morning, takes a rifle, some chocolate, and her best boots, and begins walking the 2,000 miles to water.

Meanwhile her husband Otto waits patiently at home, left only with his memories. Their neighbour Russell remembers too, but differently - and he still loves Etta as much as he did more than fifty years ago, before she married Otto.