Behind Her Eyes

Sarah Pinborough
Flatiron Books • 2017

Why is everyone talking about the ending of Sarah Pinborough's Behind Her Eyes?Louise is a single mom, a secretary, stuck in a modern-day rut. On a rare night out, she meets a man in a bar and sparks Though he leaves after they kiss, she’s thrilled she finally connected with someone.When Louise arrives at work on Monday, she meets her new boss, David. The man from the bar. The very married man from the bar…who says the kiss was a terrible mistake but who still can’t keep his eyes off Louise.And then Louise bumps into Adele, who’s new to town and in need of a friend, but she also just happens to be married to David. David and Adele look like the picture-perfect husband and wife, but then why is David so controlling, and why is Adele so scared of him?As Louise is drawn into David and Adele’s orbit, she uncovers more puzzling questions than answers. The only thing that is crystal clear is that something in this marriage is very, very wrong, but Louise can’t guess how wrong―and how far a person might go to protect their marriage’s secrets.

  • Počet strán: 307 strán
  • ISBN13:9781250111173
  • Ďalšie vydania: Ví o tobě

Recenze - Knihy

ANOTACE: LOUISE opustil manžel kvůli jiné, a tak se jediným mužem v jejím životě stal její syn. Proto Louise pracuje na poloviční úvazek, aby je uživila a zároveň mohli být spolu. Všechno se však změní, když se objeví DAVID, mladý, úspěšný a natolik okouzlující, že Louise nemůže uvěřit, že by o ni muž jako on [...]

Metafora Recenzie

Neverte tejto knihe (splnené!)Neverte tomuto príbehu (stále mi to víri v hlave)Neverte ani sami sebe (skôr som neverila vlastným očiam)A nech sa deje čokoľvek, neprezraďte koniec (to ani nemám v úmysle! Ešte sa z toho spamätávam. Ďakujem pekne za taký šok, aký som zažila.)LOUISE opustil manžel kvôli inej žene, jediný muž v jej živote je jej syn, ale to sa zmení, keď sa objavíDAVID,[...]

Originálny názov: Behind Her Eyes Goodreads: 3,80 (89%) Preklad: Hana Sichingerová Počet strán: 304 Jazyk: český Väzba: pevná s prebalom Vydavateľstvo: Metafora (2017) ꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜꜜ Nevěřte této knize Nevěřte tomuto příběhu Nevěřte ani sami sobě A AŤ SE DĚJE COKOLIV, NEPROZRAĎTE  KONEC! LOUISE opustil manžel kvůli jiné, a tak se jediným mužem v jejím životě stal[...]

Akým najlepším marketingovým ťahom oslovíte milovníkov thrillerov? Povedzte im, že kniha má na konci nejaký brutálny twist! U 90 % knihomoľov to zaberie, a tým zvyšným už ten koniec niekto určite naspoileroval. Podobná forma reklamy sa ušla aj knihe Ví o tobě– či zaslúžene alebo nie, to si povieme v recenzii. Ak ma kniha láka na obrovský TWIST, väčšinou netúžim vedieť ani ťuk[...]

Why is everyone talking about the ending of Sarah Pinborough's Behind Her Eyes?

Louise is a single mom, a secretary, stuck in a modern-day rut. On a rare night out, she meets a man in a bar and sparks fly. Though he leaves after they kiss, she’s thrilled she finally connected with someone.

When Louise arrives at work on Monday, she meets her new boss, David. The man from the bar. The very married man from the bar…who says the kiss was a terrible mistake but who still can’t keep his eyes off Louise.

And then Louise bumps into Adele, who’s new to town and in need of a friend, but she also just happens to be married to David. David and Adele look like the picture-perfect husband and wife, but then why is David so controlling, and why is Adele so scared of him?

As Louise is drawn into David and Adele’s orbit, she uncovers more puzzling questions than answers. The only thing that is crystal clear is that something in this marriage is very, very wrong, but Louise can’t guess how wrong―and how far a person might go to protect their marriage’s secrets.