Will Grayson, Will Grayson

John Green a David Levithan
Dutton Books • 2010

Will Grayson meets Will Grayson. One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, two strangers are about to cross paths. From that moment on, their world will collide and lives intertwine.It's n...ot that far from Evanston to Naperville, but Chicago suburbanites Will Grayson and Will Grayson might as well live on different planets. When fate delivers them both to the same surprising crossroads, the Will Graysons find their lives overlapping and hurtling in new and unexpected directions. With a push from friends new and old - including the massive, and massively fabulous, Tiny Cooper, offensive lineman and musical theater auteur extraordinaire - Will and Will begin building toward respective romantic turns-of-heart and the epic production of history's most awesome high school musical.

HODNOTENIE:    ****"-Aké je to byť Willom Gaysonom? Potrebujem mať informácie z prvej ruky. - Zasmial sa, no videl som, že čaká na odpoveď. Vždy som si myslel, že byť Willom Gaysonom znamená  byť mnou, ale očividne nie. Druhý Will Gayson je takisto Will Gayson a teraz ním bude aj Gary" (s.154).  Určite sa nejeden z vás zamýšľal nad tým, aké by to bolo stretnúť svojho dvojníka. Človeka, ktorý[...]

iKAR Reviews YOLi

Názov: Will Grayson, Will Grayson Autor: John Green & David Levithan Vydavateľstvo: iKAR ( edícia YOLi) Rok vydania: 2016 Počet strán: 287  Dve základné pravidlá: 1. Na všetko zvysoka kašli, 2. Drž hubu! V jeden studený večer sa na najnepravdepodobnejšom mieste v Chicagu stretnú dvaja neznámi chlapci s rovnakým menom. Od tej chvíle sa ich životy prepletajú. Hoci žijú na rozličných[...]

iKAR Reviews YOLi

Názov: Will Grayson, Will Grayson Autor: John Green & David Levithan Vydavateľstvo: iKAR ( edícia YOLi) Rok vydania: 2016 Počet strán: 287  Dve základné pravidlá: 1. Na všetko zvysoka kašli, 2. Drž hubu! V jeden studený večer sa na najnepravdepodobnejšom mieste v Chicagu stretnú dvaja neznámi chlapci s rovnakým menom. Od tej chvíle sa ich životy prepletajú. Hoci žijú na rozličných[...]

Will Grayson meets Will Grayson. One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, two strangers are about to cross paths. From that moment on, their world will collide and lives intertwine.

It's not that far from Evanston to Naperville, but Chicago suburbanites Will Grayson and Will Grayson might as well live on different planets. When fate delivers them both to the same surprising crossroads, the Will Graysons find their lives overlapping and hurtling in new and unexpected directions. With a push from friends new and old - including the massive, and massively fabulous, Tiny Cooper, offensive lineman and musical theater auteur extraordinaire - Will and Will begin building toward respective romantic turns-of-heart and the epic production of history's most awesome high school musical.