The One-in-a-Million Boy

Monica Wood
Headline Review • 2016

The story of your life never starts at the beginning. Don't they teach you anything at school?So says 104-year-old Ona to the 11-year-old boy who's been sent to help her out every Saturday morning. As... he refills the bird feeders and tidies the garden shed, Ona tells him about her long life, from first love to second chances. Soon she's confessing secrets she has kept hidden for decades.One Saturday, the boy doesn't show up. Ona starts to think he's not so special after all, but then his father arrives on her doorstep, determined to finish his son's good deed. The boy's mother is not so far behind. Ona is set to discover that the world can surprise us at any age, and that sometimes sharing a loss is the only way to find ourselves again.

Plus Recenzie

Quinn Porter sa o svojho syna veľmi nezaujímal. Nerozumel mu, takže nikdy nemali ten správny vzťah. Zistí, že chlapec zomrel. Vracia sa domov plný výčitiek. Myslí si, že keď dokončí jeho skautský projekt, tak svoj dlh splatí. Chlapec pomáhal stoštyriročnej pani. Jeho otec ani netuší, aké prekvapenia mu stará dáma pripraví. Na jej vek je veľmi vitálna. Nevie, že sa so synom delila o jedno[...]

HODNOTENIE:   ***"- Ona, ahoj,- zašepkal Quinn, keď k nej pristúpil. Mala zatvorené oči a nehybnú, ale nezvyčajne ružovkastú tvár, akú občas mávajú ľudia v rakve.-Prepáč, ale oči neotvorím,- zamrmlala. -Idem spať.--Nie, nie-, prosíkal. -Musíš dostať rekord za vodičský preukaz. -Zahľadel sa na záhadný výraz v tvári. A to ani nespomínam rekord za najdlhší život. Veď si pomysli na tú madam[...]

The story of your life never starts at the beginning. Don't they teach you anything at school?

So says 104-year-old Ona to the 11-year-old boy who's been sent to help her out every Saturday morning. As he refills the bird feeders and tidies the garden shed, Ona tells him about her long life, from first love to second chances. Soon she's confessing secrets she has kept hidden for decades.

One Saturday, the boy doesn't show up. Ona starts to think he's not so special after all, but then his father arrives on her doorstep, determined to finish his son's good deed. The boy's mother is not so far behind. Ona is set to discover that the world can surprise us at any age, and that sometimes sharing a loss is the only way to find ourselves again.