Spill Simmer Falter Wither

Sara Baume
Tramp Press • 2015

You find me on a Tuesday, on my Tuesday trip to town. You're sellotaped to the inside pane of the jumble shop window. A photograph of your mangled face and underneath an appeal for a COMPASSIONATE AND... TOLERANT OWNER. A PERSON WITHOUT OTHER PETS & WITHOUT CHILDREN UNDER FOUR.A misfit man finds a misfit dog. Ray, aged fifty-seven, ‘too old for starting over, too young for giving up’, and One Eye, a vicious little bugger, smaller than expected, a good ratter. Both are accustomed to being alone, unloved, outcast – but they quickly find in each other a strange companionship of sorts. As spring turns to summer, their relationship grows and intensifies, until a savage act forces them to abandon the precarious life they’d established, and take to the road.

2017 blog Detektivník knihy recenze

Název: Jasno lepo podstín zhyna Originální název: Spill Simmer Falter Wither Autor: Sara BAUMEPřekladatelka: Alice Hyrmanová - McElveen Edice: Světová knihovna Odeon Vydáno: listopad 2016 Nakladatelství: Odeon Počet stran: 264 Osamělý Ray žije prostý život u pobřeží v jednom malém městečku. Nikdy nechodil do školy, nikdy nepracoval a sám se postupně uzavíral do sebe. Jednoho dne si[...]

You find me on a Tuesday, on my Tuesday trip to town. You're sellotaped to the inside pane of the jumble shop window. A photograph of your mangled face and underneath an appeal for a COMPASSIONATE AND TOLERANT OWNER. A PERSON WITHOUT OTHER PETS & WITHOUT CHILDREN UNDER FOUR.

A misfit man finds a misfit dog. Ray, aged fifty-seven, ‘too old for starting over, too young for giving up’, and One Eye, a vicious little bugger, smaller than expected, a good ratter. Both are accustomed to being alone, unloved, outcast – but they quickly find in each other a strange companionship of sorts. As spring turns to summer, their relationship grows and intensifies, until a savage act forces them to abandon the precarious life they’d established, and take to the road.