The Invasion of the Tearling (The Queen of the Tearling, #2)

Erika Johansen
Harper • 2015

Kelsea Glynn is the Queen of the Tearling. Despite her youth, she has quickly asserted herself as a fair, just and powerful ruler.However, power is a double-edged sword, and small actions can have consequences. In trying to do what is right - stopping a vile trade in humankind - Kelsea has crossed the Red Queen, a ruthless monarch whose rule is bound with dark magic and the spilling of blood. The Red Queen's armies are poised to invade the Tearling, and it seems nothing can stop them.Yet there was a time before the Crossing, and there Kelsea finds a strange and possibly dangerous ally, someone who might hold the key to the fate of the Tearling, and indeed to Kelsea's own soul. But time is running out...Erika Johansen's fierce and unforgettable young heroine returns in this dazzling new novel of magic and adventure, set in the beguiling world of the Tearling.

Po dlhšej dobe (a prečítaní tretieho dielu) som sa konečne rozhodla napísať recenziu na druhý diel trilógie Kráľovná z Tearlingu. Chcela by som mať zrecenzovanú komplet trilógiu a tak nemôžem vynechať ani dvojku, aj keď sa mi páčila najmenej. Názov: Invázia do Tearlingu Originálny názov: The Invasion to the Tearling Autorka: Erika Johansen Séria: Kráľovná Tearlingu Poradie v sérii:[...]

Originálny názov: The Queen of the TearlingSéria: Kráľovná TearlinguVydavateľstvo: IkarEdícia: YOLiRok vydania: 2015 Väzba: BrožovanáPočet strán: 376Hodnotenie: 5/5 Anotácia: V deň svojich devätnástych narodenín sa princezná Kelsea, vychovávaná vo vyhnanstve, vydá na nebezpečnú púť. Márnivá a sebecká kráľovná Elyssa je mŕtva a Kelsea musí zasadnúť na trón, ktorý jej právom patrí. Na[...]

Invázia do TearlinguThe Invasion of the TearlingKráľovná Tearlingu #2Erika JohansenYOLi496 stránGoodreads: 4.15 Anotácia: Kelseu Glynnovú, mladú kráľovnú Tearlingu, čaká výzva, akej dosiaľ nečelila. Zastavením zásielok otrokov do Mortmesnu nahnevala Červenú kráľovnú – brutálnu vládkyňu, ktorej moc pramení z čiernej mágie. Tá teraz posiela do Tearlingu armádu, aby ho pripravila úplne o[...]

Kelsea Glynn is the Queen of the Tearling. Despite her youth, she has quickly asserted herself as a fair, just and powerful ruler.

However, power is a double-edged sword, and small actions can have grave consequences. In trying to do what is right - stopping a vile trade in humankind - Kelsea has crossed the Red Queen, a ruthless monarch whose rule is bound with dark magic and the spilling of blood. The Red Queen's armies are poised to invade the Tearling, and it seems nothing can stop them.

Yet there was a time before the Crossing, and there Kelsea finds a strange and possibly dangerous ally, someone who might hold the key to the fate of the Tearling, and indeed to Kelsea's own soul. But time is running out...

Erika Johansen's fierce and unforgettable young heroine returns in this dazzling new novel of magic and adventure, set in the beguiling world of the Tearling.