Assassin's Creed: Heresy

Christie Golden

Simon Hathaway, member of the Templar Inner Sanctum, brings a cool head and detached manner to his new role as Head of Abstergo Industry's Historical Research Division. But Simon also has an insatiabl...e curiosity, and is fascinated by the thought of experiencing history first-hand through his ancestor—Gabriel Laxart, who fought alongside the legendary Joan of Arc. When he enters the newly-designed Animus for its initial project, Simon finds himself unprepared for what he discovers: How deep the conflict between the Templars and the Assassins goes. What Gabriel will do for the woman he both loves and reveres. And the most dangerous truth of all: Who is the heretic … and who is the true believer?

Nahlédněte na věčný konflikt očima jednoho z templářů… a spolu s Johankou z Arku odkryjte pravdu ukrytou za legendami! Alespoň to nám slibuje devátý díl legendární herní série, která se právě v této knize...

Recenze - Knihy

ANOTACE: Simon Hathaway, člen templářské Vnitřní svatyně, vnáší coby nový šéf do oddělení historického výzkumu Abstergo Industry chladný rozum a nezaujatý přístup. Jenže Simon je rovněž neukojitelně zvědavý a fascinovaný představou, že by historické dění zažil na vlastní kůži, prostřednictvím svého předka, Gabriel Laxarta, který bojoval po boku legendární Johanky z Arku. Když se zúčastní[...]

Simon Hathaway, member of the Templar Inner Sanctum, brings a cool head and detached manner to his new role as Head of Abstergo Industry's Historical Research Division. But Simon also has an insatiable curiosity, and is fascinated by the thought of experiencing history first-hand through his ancestor—Gabriel Laxart, who fought alongside the legendary Joan of Arc. When he enters the newly-designed Animus for its initial project, Simon finds himself unprepared for what he discovers: How deep the conflict between the Templars and the Assassins goes. What Gabriel will do for the woman he both loves and reveres. And the most dangerous truth of all: Who is the heretic … and who is the true believer?