A Country Doctor's Notebook

Mikhail Bulgakov a Михаил Булгаков
Harvill Press • 2003

Brilliant stories that show the growth of a novelist's mind, and the raw material that fed the wild surrealism of Bulgakov's later fiction.With the ink still wet on his diploma, the twenty-five-year-o...ld Dr. Mikhail Bulgakov was flung into the depths of freezing rural Russia which, in 1916-17, was still largely unaffected by such novelties as the motor car, the telephone or electric light. How his alter-ego copes (or fails to cope) with the new and often appalling responsibilities of a lone doctor in a vast country practice — on the eve of Revolution — is described in Bulgakov's delightful blend of candid realism and imaginative exuberance.

**** Hendrik Groen ironické Recenze smutné veselé XYZ

HODNOTENIE:    ****"V skutočnosti konám naslepo, neviem nič. Doteraz sa mi dajme tomu darilo, úžasné veci dopadli šťastne, no a dnes sa mi nedarilo. Och, srdce mi stíska od osamelosti, od zimy, od toho, že nemám nikoho nablízku. A možno som ešte aj spáchal zločin - zlomil som tú rúčku. Keby som tak mohol k niekomu ísť, hodiť sa niekomu k nohám a povedať, stala sa taká vec, ja, doktor taký a[...]

Brilliant stories that show the growth of a novelist's mind, and the raw material that fed the wild surrealism of Bulgakov's later fiction.

With the ink still wet on his diploma, the twenty-five-year-old Dr. Mikhail Bulgakov was flung into the depths of freezing rural Russia which, in 1916-17, was still largely unaffected by such novelties as the motor car, the telephone or electric light. How his alter-ego copes (or fails to cope) with the new and often appalling responsibilities of a lone doctor in a vast country practice — on the eve of Revolution — is described in Bulgakov's delightful blend of candid realism and imaginative exuberance.