How to Hygge: The Nordic Secrets to a Happy Life

Signe Johansen

The “Danish coziness” philosophy is fast becoming the new “French living” in terms of aspirational lifestyle books and blogs. There are countless viral articles comparing the happiness levels of Ameri...of Americans versus Danes. Their homes are more homey; their people are more cheerful. It’s an attitude that defies definition, but there is a name for this slow-moving, stress-free mindset: hygge (pronounced “hoo-ga”). Hygge values the idea of cherishing yourself: candlelight, bakeries, and dinner with friends; a celebration of experiences over possessions, as well as being kind to yourself and treasuring a sense of community.How to Hygge by chef and author Signe Johansen is a fresh, informative, lighthearted, fully illustrated how-to guide to hygge. It’s a combination of recipes, helpful tips for cozy living at home, and cabin porn: essential elements of living the Danish way—which, incidentally, encourages a daily dose of “healthy hedonism.” Who can resist that?

  • Počet strán: 192 strán
  • ISBN13:9781250122032
  • Ďalšie vydania: Hygge

Books Zvýraznené blog hygge knihy náučná literatúra pekný život recenzia severania severská literatúra Signe Johansen tajomstvo severského života

Tajomstvo severského života ei, og velkommen! Týmito slovami sa prihovára autorka svojim čitateľom v úvode knihy. A hneď sa aj...

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Keď som sa prvýkrát dopočula o fenoméne hygge, hneď ma zaujal, pretože ma fascinujú severské krajiny a vôbec - kto by sa nechcel raz za čas trochu inšpirovať a zlepšiť si kvalitu života? Prvá kniha, ktorú som o tejto téme prečítala, bohužiaľ celkom nesplnila moje očakávania, takže som sa rozhodla dať šancu aj tejto prekladovej novinke od Signe Johansen. Pojem hygge "v sebe zahŕňa útulnosť[...]

The “Danish coziness” philosophy is fast becoming the new “French living” in terms of aspirational lifestyle books and blogs. There are countless viral articles comparing the happiness levels of Americans versus Danes. Their homes are more homey; their people are more cheerful. It’s an attitude that defies definition, but there is a name for this slow-moving, stress-free mindset: hygge (pronounced “hoo-ga”). Hygge values the idea of cherishing yourself: candlelight, bakeries, and dinner with friends; a celebration of experiences over possessions, as well as being kind to yourself and treasuring a sense of community.

How to Hygge by chef and author Signe Johansen is a fresh, informative, lighthearted, fully illustrated how-to guide to hygge. It’s a combination of recipes, helpful tips for cozy living at home, and cabin porn: essential elements of living the Danish way—which, incidentally, encourages a daily dose of “healthy hedonism.” Who can resist that?