Ginny Moon

Benjamin Ludwig

Meet Ginny. She’s fourteen, autistic, and has a heart-breaking secret…Ginny Moon is trying to make sense of a world that just doesn’t seem to add up….After years in foster care, Ginny is in her fourth...r fourth forever family, finally with parents who will love her.Everyone tells her that she should feel happy, but she has never stopped crafting her Big Secret Plan of Escape.Because something happened, a long time ago – something that only Ginny knows – and nothing will stop her going back to put it right…A fiercely poignant and inspirational story a lost girl searching for a place to call home. Ginny Moon will change everyone who spends time with her.

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Ginny Moonová nie je obyčajné dievča. Preto ani kniha Vo svete Ginny Moonovej nie je obyčajným príbehom.

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HODNOTENIE:  ***"Brian a Maura a Maličká Wendy mi nemôžu chýbať tak veľmi ako moja Bábika, pretože moja Bábika ma potrebuje oveľa viac ako oni. Oni sú predsa v bezpečí. Nikto ich nebude biť ani im ubližovať. Brian a Maura a Maličká Wendy ma nepotrebujú. Takže v tomto prípade je jedna v skutočnosti viac ako tri, hoci to matematicky nesedí. Pretože postarať sa o moju Bábiku je viac ako[...]

Meet Ginny. She’s fourteen, autistic, and has a heart-breaking secret…

Ginny Moon is trying to make sense of a world that just doesn’t seem to add up….

After years in foster care, Ginny is in her fourth forever family, finally with parents who will love her.

Everyone tells her that she should feel happy, but she has never stopped crafting her Big Secret Plan of Escape.

Because something happened, a long time ago – something that only Ginny knows – and nothing will stop her going back to put it right…

A fiercely poignant and inspirational story a lost girl searching for a place to call home. Ginny Moon will change everyone who spends time with her.