The Swan Thieves

Elizabeth Kostova
Sphere • 2010

Kostova's masterful new novel travels from American cities to the coast of Normandy, from the late 19th century to the late 20th, from young love to last love. The Swan Thieves is a story of obsession..., history's losses, and the power of art to preserve human hope.Psychiatrist Andrew Marlowe, devoted to his profession and the painting hobby he loves, has a solitary but ordered life. When renowned painter Robert Oliver attacks a canvas in the National Gallery of Art and becomes his patient, Marlow finds that order destroyed. Desperate to understand the secret that torments the genius, he embarks on a journey that leads him into the lives of the women closest to Oliver and a tragedy at the heart of French Impressionism. Kostova's masterful new novel travels from American cities to the coast of Normandy, from the late 19th century to the late 20th, from young love to last love. The Swan Thieves is a story of obsession, history's losses, and the power of art to preserve human hope.

  • Počet strán: 565 strán
  • ISBN13:9781847442406
  • Ďalšie vydania: Zloději labutí

HODNOTENIE:  ***"Tu musím prerušiť rozprávanie, aby som sa nadýchol. Zlodejov labutí totiž nie je ľahké opísať slovami. Očakával som, že v nich bude krása, nie diabolské zlo. Išlo o pomerne veľké plátno  s rozmermi 120 krát 90 centimetrov. Slnečná paleta svedčila o impresionizme." (s.425).  Andrew Marlow je skúsený psychológ, ktorý má niečo po päťdesiatke. Jedného dňa dostane nezvyčajný[...]

Kostova's masterful new novel travels from American cities to the coast of Normandy, from the late 19th century to the late 20th, from young love to last love. The Swan Thieves is a story of obsession, history's losses, and the power of art to preserve human hope.

Psychiatrist Andrew Marlowe, devoted to his profession and the painting hobby he loves, has a solitary but ordered life. When renowned painter Robert Oliver attacks a canvas in the National Gallery of Art and becomes his patient, Marlow finds that order destroyed. Desperate to understand the secret that torments the genius, he embarks on a journey that leads him into the lives of the women closest to Oliver and a tragedy at the heart of French Impressionism.

Kostova's masterful new novel travels from American cities to the coast of Normandy, from the late 19th century to the late 20th, from young love to last love. The Swan Thieves is a story of obsession, history's losses, and the power of art to preserve human hope.