The Eden Express: A Memoir of Insanity

Mark Vonnegut a Kurt Vonnegut jr.

The Eden Express describes from the inside Mark Vonnegut's experience in the late '60s and early '70s--a recent college grad; in love; living communally on a farm, with a famous and doting father, che...rished dog, and prized jalopy--and then the nervous breakdowns in all their slow-motion intimacy, the taste of mortality and opportunity for humor they provided, and the grim despair they afforded as well. That he emerged to write this funny and true book and then moved on to find the meaningful life that for a while had seemed beyond reach is what ultimately happens in The Eden Express. But the real story here is that throughout his harrowing experience his sense of humor let him see the humanity of what he was going through, and his gift of language let him describe it in such a moving way that others could begin to imagine both its utter ordinariness as well as the madness we all share.

  • Počet strán: 304 strán
  • ISBN13:9781583225431
  • Ďalšie vydania: Expres do ráje

***** detektivní Euromedia Group a.s. Hadrový panák Knižní klub napínavé Recenze strašidelné thriller

HODNOTENIE:    ****"Ahoj. Jsem tady. Jsem Mark Vonnegut se vším, co k tomu patří. Támhle je Simon, a támhle Sy, a támhle André, a támhle Sankara. Všichni jsme studovali ve Swarthmoru. Jsme ve Vancouveru, v Britské Kolumbii, v Kanadě. Pamatuji si spoustu věcí. Dokážu o věcech přemýšlet. Rozumím tomu, co lidé říkají, a oni rozumějí tomu, co říkám já. Nikdy to netrvá moc dlouho. Trvá to čím dál[...]

The Eden Express describes from the inside Mark Vonnegut's experience in the late '60s and early '70s--a recent college grad; in love; living communally on a farm, with a famous and doting father, cherished dog, and prized jalopy--and then the nervous breakdowns in all their slow-motion intimacy, the taste of mortality and opportunity for humor they provided, and the grim despair they afforded as well. That he emerged to write this funny and true book and then moved on to find the meaningful life that for a while had seemed beyond reach is what ultimately happens in The Eden Express. But the real story here is that throughout his harrowing experience his sense of humor let him see the humanity of what he was going through, and his gift of language let him describe it in such a moving way that others could begin to imagine both its utter ordinariness as well as the madness we all share.