Život je jinde

Milan Kundera

The author initially intended to call this novel, The Lyrical Age. The lyrical age, according to Kundera, is youth, and this novel, above all, is an epic of adolescence; an ironic epic that tenderly... erodes sacrosanct values: childhood, motherhood, revolution, and even poetry. Jaromil is in fact a poet. His mother made hima poet and accompanies him (figuratively) to his love bed and (literally) to his deathbed. A ridiculous and touching character, horrifying and totally innocent ("innocence with its bloody smile"!), Jaromil is at the same time a true poet. He's no creep, he's Rimbaud. Rimbaud entrapped by the communist revolution, entrapped in a somber farce.

  • Počet strán: 368 strán
  • ISBN13:9780887810695
  • Originálny názov: Life is Elsewhere

HODNOTENIE:   *****"Život je jinde, napsali studenti na zeď Sorbony. Ano, to on dobře ví, vždyť proto odjíždí z Londýna do Irska, kde se bouří lid. Jmenuje se Percy Shelley, je mu dvacet let, je básník a má s sebou stovky letáku a proklamací jako prukaz, na nejž ho vpustí do skutešného života.Protože skutečný život je jinde. Studenti vytrhávají dlažební kostky, převracejí auta, dělají[...]

The author initially intended to call this novel, The Lyrical Age. The lyrical age, according to Kundera, is youth, and this novel, above all, is an epic of adolescence; an ironic epic that tenderly erodes sacrosanct values: childhood, motherhood, revolution, and even poetry. Jaromil is in fact a poet. His mother made hima poet and accompanies him (figuratively) to his love bed and (literally) to his deathbed. A ridiculous and touching character, horrifying and totally innocent ("innocence with its bloody smile"!), Jaromil is at the same time a true poet. He's no creep, he's Rimbaud. Rimbaud entrapped by the communist revolution, entrapped in a somber farce.