
Robert Harris

From the internationally best-selling author of Fatherland and the Cicero Trilogy--a new spy thriller about treason and conscience, loyalty and betrayal, set against the backdrop of the fateful Munich... Conference of September, 1938.Guy Legat is a rising star of the British diplomatic service, serving in 10 Downing Street as a private secretary to the Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain. Rikard von Holz is on the staff of the German Foreign Office--and secretly a member of the anti-Hitler resistance. The two men were friends at Oxford in the 1920s, but have not been in contact since. Now, when Guy flies with Chamberlain from London to Munich, and Rikard travels on Hitler's train overnight from Berlin, their paths are set on a disastrous collision course. And once again, Robert Harris gives us actual events of historical importance--here are Hitler, Chamberlain, Mussolini, Daladier--at the heart of an electrifying, un-put-downable novel.

  • Počet strán: 352 strán
  • ISBN13:9781473519695
  • Ďalšie vydania: Mníchov

Mníchov – Robert Harris, Slovart 2018 Rober Harris je autor, ktorého netreba veľmi predstavovať. Medzi jeho najznámejšie diela patrí Impérium, [...] The post Mníchov – Robert Harris appeared first on .

Meno spisovateľa Roberta Harrisa sa už desaťročia spája s umeleckou aj myšlienkovou kvalitou. Témy pre svoje romány si nevyberá prvoplánovo, ale vždy je za tým badať vyšší účel. Často triafa do čierneho aktuálnymi udalosťami, presahom do rôznych sfér ľudskej existencie či viacerými rovinami príbehu vyžadujúceho zapojenie umu čitateľa. Mníchov snáď ani nemohol vyjsť v lepšej dobe. Od tamojšej[...]

September 1938. Hitler sa rozhodol začať vojnu. Chamberlain zúfalo túži udržať mier. O tejto otázke sa rozhodne v meste, čo sa navždy zapíše do dejín vďaka dohode, ktorá nielenže viedla k rozkladu demokratického Československa, ale aj otvorila dvere Hitlerovým politickým ambíciám v Európe.

Predstavme si situáciu, že by Mníchovská dohoda nebola 30. septembra 1938 podpísaná. Čo by sa stalo? Zaútočil by Hitler na Československo? Dokázali by sme sa ubrániť? Prišiel by nám niekto na pomoc? A vypukla by potom vôbec druhá svetová vojna v podobe, ako ju poznáme z histórie?

From the internationally best-selling author of Fatherland and the Cicero Trilogy--a new spy thriller about treason and conscience, loyalty and betrayal, set against the backdrop of the fateful Munich Conference of September, 1938.

Guy Legat is a rising star of the British diplomatic service, serving in 10 Downing Street as a private secretary to the Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain. Rikard von Holz is on the staff of the German Foreign Office--and secretly a member of the anti-Hitler resistance. The two men were friends at Oxford in the 1920s, but have not been in contact since. Now, when Guy flies with Chamberlain from London to Munich, and Rikard travels on Hitler's train overnight from Berlin, their paths are set on a disastrous collision course. And once again, Robert Harris gives us actual events of historical importance--here are Hitler, Chamberlain, Mussolini, Daladier--at the heart of an electrifying, un-put-downable novel.