Good Me, Bad Me

Ali Land
Michael Joseph • 2017

Good Me Bad Me is dark, compelling, voice-driven psychological suspense by debut author Ali Land.How far does the apple really fall from the tree? Milly's mother is a serial killer. Though Milly loves... her mother, the only way to make her stop is to turn her in to the police. Milly is given a fresh start: a new identity, a home with an affluent foster family, and a spot at an exclusive private school. But Milly has secrets, and life at her new home becomes complicated. As her mother's trial looms, with Milly as the star witness, Milly starts to wonder how much of her is nature, how much of her is nurture, and whether she is doomed to turn out like her mother after all. When tensions rise and Milly feels trapped by her shiny new life, she has to decide: Will she be good? Or is she bad? She is, after all, her mother's daughter.

  • Počet strán: 338 strán
  • ISBN13:9780718182922
  • Ďalšie vydania: (M)učednice

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Lidi, odpusťte mi! obrá. Zbrusu nová, zmenená. A predsa iná. Iná zvnútra. “Maminka, mala si pravdu, som iná.”  Má nové...

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Good Me Bad Me is dark, compelling, voice-driven psychological suspense by debut author Ali Land.

How far does the apple really fall from the tree?

Milly's mother is a serial killer. Though Milly loves her mother, the only way to make her stop is to turn her in to the police. Milly is given a fresh start: a new identity, a home with an affluent foster family, and a spot at an exclusive private school.

But Milly has secrets, and life at her new home becomes complicated. As her mother's trial looms, with Milly as the star witness, Milly starts to wonder how much of her is nature, how much of her is nurture, and whether she is doomed to turn out like her mother after all.

When tensions rise and Milly feels trapped by her shiny new life, she has to decide: Will she be good? Or is she bad? She is, after all, her mother's daughter.