Why Mummy Drinks (Why Mummy, #1)

Gill Sims
HarperCollins • 2017

It is Mummy’s 39th birthday. She is staring down the barrel at a future of people asking if she wants to come to their yoga class, and book clubs, where everyone is wearing statement scarves and they ...y are all ‘tiddly’ after a glass of Pinot Grigio. But Mummy does not want to go quietly into that good night of women with sensible haircuts who ‘live for their children’, boasting about Boy Child and Girl Child’s achievements. Instead, she clutches a large glass of wine, muttering FML over and over, and then remembers the gem of an idea she’s had…

Prečo mama pije (Denník vyčerpanej matky) – Gill Sims, Lindeni 2018 Zamýšľali ste sa niekedy nad tým, kto u vás doma [...] The post Prečo mama pije (Denník vyčerpanej matky) appeared first on .

***** Albatros Media a.s. blogerka humorné Motto Proč máma pije Recenze rodičovství ze života zábavné

Název: Proč máma pije Autor: Gill Sims Nakladatelství: Motto Rok vydání: 2018  Počet stránek: 376 Celkové hodnocení: ***** Podle názvu by se mohlo zdát, že kniha řeší nějaký smutný sociální problém. Nic však není od pravdy vzdálenější. Gill Sims je autorkou humorného blogu a facebookové stránky Peter a Jane, což je takový trochu peprnější ekvivalent českých Dvojčat[...]

It is Mummy’s 39th birthday. She is staring down the barrel at a future of people asking if she wants to come to their yoga class, and book clubs, where everyone is wearing statement scarves and they are all ‘tiddly’ after a glass of Pinot Grigio. But Mummy does not want to go quietly into that good night of women with sensible haircuts who ‘live for their children’, boasting about Boy Child and Girl Child’s achievements. Instead, she clutches a large glass of wine, muttering FML over and over, and then remembers the gem of an idea she’s had…