Survivors: True Stories of Children in the Holocaust

Allan Zullo

Gripping and inspiring, these true stories of bravery, terror, and hope chronicle nine different children's experiences during the Holocaust.These are the true-life accounts of nine Jewish boys and gi...rls whose lives spiraled into danger and fear as the Holocaust overtook Europe. In a time of great horror, these children each found a way to make it through the nightmare of war. Some made daring escapes into the unknown, others disguised their true identities, and many witnessed unimaginable horrors. But what they all shared was the unshakable belief in-- and hope for-- survival. Their legacy of courage in the face of hatred will move you, captivate you, and, ultimately, inspire you.

  • Počet strán: 208 strán
  • ISBN13:9780439669962
  • Ďalšie vydania: Deti holokaustu

Deti holokaustu (Skutočné príbehy tých, ktoré prežili) – Allan Zullo, Mara Bovsun, Motýľ 2018 Téme II. svetovej vojny a holokaustu sa [...] The post Deti holokaustu (Skutočné príbehy tých, ktoré prežili) appeared first on .

Allan Zullo a Mara Bovsun - Deti holokaustu

Vydavateľstvo Motýľ si pre vás pripravilo novinku Deti holokaustu. Román zachytáva skutočné príbehy deviatich detí, ktoré prežili hrôzy vojny.Ak máte radi silné a emočné vypäté romány z obdobia druhej svetovej vojny, tak Deti holokaustu nemôžu chýbať vo vašej knižnici.Kniha Deti holokaustu sa stala oslavou ľudského ducha, vôle prekonať nevýslovne hrôzy, triumfovať nad zlom a túžby po živote.[...]

Gripping and inspiring, these true stories of bravery, terror, and hope chronicle nine different children's experiences during the Holocaust.

These are the true-life accounts of nine Jewish boys and girls whose lives spiraled into danger and fear as the Holocaust overtook Europe. In a time of great horror, these children each found a way to make it through the nightmare of war. Some made daring escapes into the unknown, others disguised their true identities, and many witnessed unimaginable horrors. But what they all shared was the unshakable belief in-- and hope for-- survival.
Their legacy of courage in the face of hatred will move you, captivate you, and, ultimately, inspire you.