We Own the Sky

Luke Allnutt
Park Row • 2018

“We looked down at the cliff jutting into the sea, a rubber boat full of kids going under the arch, and then you started running and jumping through the grass, dodging the rabbit holes, shouting at th...the top of your voice, so I started chasing you, trying to catch you, and we were laughing so hard as we ran and ran, kicking up rainbow showers in the leaves.” Rob Coates feels like he’s won the lottery of life. There is Anna, his incredible wife, their London town house and, most precious of all, Jack, their son, who makes every day an extraordinary adventure. But when a devastating illness befalls his family, Rob’s world begins to unravel. Suddenly finding himself alone, Rob seeks solace in photographing the skyscrapers and clifftops he and his son Jack used to visit. And just when it seems that all hope is lost, Rob embarks on the most unforgettable of journeys to find his way back to life, and forgiveness. We Own the Sky is a tender, heartrending, but ultimately life-affirming novel that will resonate deeply with anyone who has suffered loss or experienced great love. With stunning eloquence and acumen, Luke Allnutt has penned a soaring debut and a true testament to the power of love, showing how even the most thoroughly broken heart can learn to beat again.

  • Počet strán: 368 strán
  • ISBN13:9780778314738
  • Ďalšie vydania: Nebe je naše

Čítané:  7/2018 Počet strán: 420 Vydavateľstvo: plus (AlbatrosMedia) Väzba: pevná s prebalom Rok vydania: 2018 Úryvok: Kým tu ešte bola, hltala jednu knihu za druhou. Vo svojom obľúbenom kresle, v posteli, obložená hŕbou vankúšov. Knihy jej padali z nočného stolíka, kopili sa na dlážke. Najviac zo všetkého milovala zahraničné detektívky. Prehrýzala sa cez ne s cudne[...]

Plus Recenzie

Ukážky vám môžu čo-to prezradiť, tak ich čítajte len na vlastné riziko. Iné úryvky sa mi do recenzie nehodili, prepáčte. Rob má pokojný život. Má rodinu, ktorú ľúbi a nič by už nemohlo byť lepšie. No vtedy sa začína všetko rúcať, akoby si nejaká neznáma sila povedala, že toho šťastia bolo veľa a treba to zmeniť.  Do jeho života sa neľútostne vkradne rakovina a zničí to, čo si cenil[...]

“We looked down at the cliff jutting into the sea, a rubber boat full of kids going under the arch, and then you started running and jumping through the grass, dodging the rabbit holes, shouting at the top of your voice, so I started chasing you, trying to catch you, and we were laughing so hard as we ran and ran, kicking up rainbow showers in the leaves.”

Rob Coates feels like he’s won the lottery of life. There is Anna, his incredible wife, their London town house and, most precious of all, Jack, their son, who makes every day an extraordinary adventure. But when a devastating illness befalls his family, Rob’s world begins to unravel. Suddenly finding himself alone, Rob seeks solace in photographing the skyscrapers and clifftops he and his son Jack used to visit. And just when it seems that all hope is lost, Rob embarks on the most unforgettable of journeys to find his way back to life, and forgiveness.

We Own the Sky is a tender, heartrending, but ultimately life-affirming novel that will resonate deeply with anyone who has suffered loss or experienced great love. With stunning eloquence and acumen, Luke Allnutt has penned a soaring debut and a true testament to the power of love, showing how even the most thoroughly broken heart can learn to beat again.