Dmitry Glukhovsky (Andrew Bromfield)

What would I do for eternal life? Discoveries made within our lifetime will allow people to remain young forever. There is no more death. Our children will never die. Welcome to a world inhabited by p...eople who are perfectly healthy, beautiful and eternally young. Every utopia has its shadowy backstreets. Someone has to make sure that overpopulation doesn't bring the wonderful world of the future crashing down. Someone has to make people forget their animal instincts and live in a fitting way for immortals. Maybe that someone is me?

  • Počet strán: 626 strán
  • ISBN13:9781517679279
  • Ďalšie vydania: Budoucnost

sci-fi 2015 Dmitrij Gluchovskij dystopie Knižní klub ruská literatura

Jsem rád, že jsem dal současnému kultovnímu ruskému  spisovateli Glukhovskému druhu šanci. Nejdříve jsem od něho četl jeho nejznámější Metro 2033 a byl jsem neskutečně zklamaný. Sice jsem svůj původní obrovský odsudek mírně obrousil ale přesto jsem ho bral za vyhajpovanou bublinu. Ale když jsem se dozvěděl, o čem má být jeho poslední kniha Text, … Pokračovat ve čtení Budoucnost – Dmitry[...]

What would I do for eternal life? Discoveries made within our lifetime will allow people to remain young forever. There is no more death. Our children will never die. Welcome to a world inhabited by people who are perfectly healthy, beautiful and eternally young. Every utopia has its shadowy backstreets. Someone has to make sure that overpopulation doesn't bring the wonderful world of the future crashing down. Someone has to make people forget their animal instincts and live in a fitting way for immortals. Maybe that someone is me?