King Coo

Adam Stower

BEN POLE is on the run from his arch-enemy MONTY GRABBE when he discovers a forest with rope swings, water slides, Herbert the wombat, and best of all KING COO.But watch out!Cow-pat-a-pults and Slug P...ulp to the ready! Monty and his gang have a dastardly plan, and Ben and Coo need to come up with their best invention yet...

  ANOTACE: Jakub Suchý je obyčejný kluk, co se umí skvěle schovávat. A to se hodí, zvlášť když je v dohledu Max Hamta. Ale zrovna dneska to Jakubovi nevyšlo — jeho plán nenápadně proklouznout ze školy se změní v zoufalý úprk před Hamtovou hordou. A nebýt jedné nečekané díry v zemi, bůhvíjak by to všechno [...] The post Adam Stower – Král Vrkú appeared first on Schefikův Blog.

BEN POLE is on the run from his arch-enemy MONTY GRABBE when he discovers a forest with rope swings, water slides, Herbert the wombat, and best of all KING COO.

But watch out!

Cow-pat-a-pults and Slug Pulp to the ready! Monty and his gang have a dastardly plan, and Ben and Coo need to come up with their best invention yet...