
A.S. King

The Shoveler, the Freak, CanIHelpYou?, Loretta the Flea-Circus Ring Mistress, and First-Class Malcolm. These are the five teenagers lost in the Hemmings family's maze of tangled secrets. Only a genera...tion removed from being simple Pennsylvania potato farmers, Gottfried and Marla Hemmings managed to trade digging spuds for developing subdivisions and now sit atop a seven-figure bank account, wealth they've declined to pass on to their adult children or their teenage grand children. "Because we want them to thrive," Marla always says. What does thriving look like? Like carrying a snow shovel everywhere. Like selling pot at the Arby's drive-thru window. Like a first class ticket to Jamaica between cancer treatments. Like a flea-circus in a doublewide. Like the GPS coordinates to a mound of dirt in a New Jersey forest. As the rot just beneath the surface of the Hemmings precious white suburban respectability begins to spread, the far flung grand children gradually find their ways back to each other, just in time to uncover the terrible cost of maintaining the family name.

 Autor: A.S. King Originálny názov: Dig Vydavateľstvo: CooBoo 2021 Séria: -Diel:  - Počet strán: 376 Žáner:  YA-contemporary Moje hodnotenie knihy: 4,5*/5* Moje hodnotenie obálky: 5*/5* Anotácia: Zrnko predsudkov a rasizmu je zasiate v každom z nás. A stačí málo, aby vyklíčilo. Hemmingsovci sú presvedčení, že ich sa to netýka. Starí rodičia sú však touto burinou prelezení[...]

Autor: A. S. King Originálny názov: Dig.  Počet strán: 376 Rok vydania: 2021 Vydavateľstvo: CooBoo Zrnko predsudkov a rasizmu je zasiate v každom z nás. A stačí málo, aby vyklíčilo.Hemmingsovci sú presvedčení, že ich sa to netýka. Starí rodičia sú však touto burinou prelezení skrz-naskrz. Ich deti zhnitú úrodu zožali, aj keď od rodičov nič iné nedostali. A ich najmladšie potomstvo,[...]

V mojej časti knižnej komunity sa novinka V tejto rodine kopte hlbšie od CooBoo skloňovala veľmi často. Reakcie sa pritom pohybovali od absolútneho nadšenia až po absolútne zhrozenie. Myslím, že po prečítaní rozumiem obom stranám. Takto nejako to vyzerá, keď sa rozhodnete vytvoriť si vlastný názor: Otvoríte knihu a zoznámite sa s postavami. Marla a Gottfried sú starší pár, ktorý sa[...]

The Shoveler, the Freak, CanIHelpYou?, Loretta the Flea-Circus Ring Mistress, and First-Class Malcolm. These are the five teenagers lost in the Hemmings family's maze of tangled secrets. Only a generation removed from being simple Pennsylvania potato farmers, Gottfried and Marla Hemmings managed to trade digging spuds for developing subdivisions and now sit atop a seven-figure bank account, wealth they've declined to pass on to their adult children or their teenage grand children.

"Because we want them to thrive," Marla always says.

What does thriving look like? Like carrying a snow shovel everywhere. Like selling pot at the Arby's drive-thru window. Like a first class ticket to Jamaica between cancer treatments. Like a flea-circus in a doublewide. Like the GPS coordinates to a mound of dirt in a New Jersey forest.

As the rot just beneath the surface of the Hemmings precious white suburban respectability begins to spread, the far flung grand children gradually find their ways back to each other, just in time to uncover the terrible cost of maintaining the family name.