Fromage à Trois

Victoria Brownlee

This is a previously-published edition of ISBN13 9781948705134. You can find the new edition hereMeet Ella, on the brink of turning 30 and full of regret for a life only half lived. In a haze of hear...tbreak after splitting up with the man she thought she was going to marry, she makes the only decision that seems rational and buys a one-way ticket to Paris, embarking on a pilgrimage of food, wine, and joie de vivre. After arriving, Ella struggles to grasp the nuances of French manners and friendship. She soon finds herself caught between two men who inhabit opposite ends of the Paris food scene, getting wined and dined by one, and inadvertently making a bet to try every type of French fromage with the other. As the seasons change, Ella realizes that there’s more to life in France than champagne and cheese. At some point the Eiffel Tower stops sparkling and she needs to decide where her heart truly lies.

 Za knihu ďakujem vydavateľstvu Grada ♥Jednou nešťastnou láskou sa život zďaleka nekončí. Svoje o tom vie aj Ella, ktorá už osem rokov chodí so svojím priateľom. Očakáva, že ju čoskoro požiada o ruku, no spoločná večera sa prekvapivo skončí rozchodom. A tak sa Ella na prahu tridsiatky so zlomeným srdcom zbalí a vyberie do romantického Paríža. Je rozhodnutá žiť akčnejšie, [...]

Knihu Za láskou do Paríža som mala v pláne čítať oveľa neskôr. Moja čitateľská duša však nutne potrebovala niečo ľahké, romantickéContinue Reading

This is a previously-published edition of ISBN13 9781948705134. You can find the new edition here

Meet Ella, on the brink of turning 30 and full of regret for a life only half lived.

In a haze of heartbreak after splitting up with the man she thought she was going to marry, she makes the only decision that seems rational and buys a one-way ticket to Paris, embarking on a pilgrimage of food, wine, and joie de vivre.

After arriving, Ella struggles to grasp the nuances of French manners and friendship. She soon finds herself caught between two men who inhabit opposite ends of the Paris food scene, getting wined and dined by one, and inadvertently making a bet to try every type of French fromage with the other.

As the seasons change, Ella realizes that there’s more to life in France than champagne and cheese. At some point the Eiffel Tower stops sparkling and she needs to decide where her heart truly lies.