Oscar Seeks a Friend

Pawel Pawlak

What if you could turn the world the other way around and take a peek at what's on the other side? Perhaps you'll find something you never expected. Such as friendship. The sad little skeleton on the ...cover of this book might not look very promising, but when Oscar meets a lonely little girl, it's the start of an adventure for both of them. Together they make an unusual journey to two very different worlds, each beautiful and necessary. And it all begins when the little girl's tooth falls out . . .

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Knihu poľského autora Pawla Pawlaka určite v kníhkupectve neprehliadnete. Tmavý obal s malou smutnou kostričkou si získa vašu pozornosť a možno aj vaše srdcia.  Pawel Pawlak je skúsený umelec, grafik, ilustrátor aj autor. Má za sebou niekoľko desiatok kníh, dokonca bol nominovaný na tohtoročnú cenu […]

What if you could turn the world the other way around and take a peek at what's on the other side? Perhaps you'll find something you never expected. Such as friendship. The sad little skeleton on the cover of this book might not look very promising, but when Oscar meets a lonely little girl, it's the start of an adventure for both of them. Together they make an unusual journey to two very different worlds, each beautiful and necessary. And it all begins when the little girl's tooth falls out . . .