Eric (Discworld, #9; Rincewind #4)

Terry Pratchett
Harper • 2008

Discworld's only demonology hacker, Eric, is about to make life very difficult for the rest of Ankh-Morpork's denizens. This would-be Faust is very his work, that is. All he wants is to fulfi...ll three little wishes:to live forever, to be master of the universe, and to have a stylin' hot babe.But Eric isn't even good at getting his own way. Instead of a powerful demon, he conjures, well, Rincewind, a wizard whose incompetence is matched only by Eric's. And as if that wasn't bad enough, that lovable travel accessory the Luggage has arrived, too. Accompanied by his best friends, there's only one thing Eric wishes now -- that he'd never been born!

  • Počet strán: 197 strán
  • ISBN13:9780380821211
  • Ďalšie vydania: Erik
  • Séria: Discworld

Další pratchettovka je tady! Když se váš oblíbený zlomyslný pohádkový dědeček rozhodne, že napíše parodii na jedno z nejznámějších děl klasické literatury, je nad slunce jasné, že to bude trefa do černého. Pokuste se to prosím nebrat jako prznění staletím prověřené kvalitní četby, kterou Goetheho Faust bezesporu je (doporučuju, je to vážně skvělý příběh). Při čtení na chvíli zapomeňte na [...]

Discworld's only demonology hacker, Eric, is about to make life very difficult for the rest of Ankh-Morpork's denizens. This would-be Faust is very his work, that is. All he wants is to fulfill three little wishes:to live forever, to be master of the universe, and to have a stylin' hot babe.

But Eric isn't even good at getting his own way. Instead of a powerful demon, he conjures, well, Rincewind, a wizard whose incompetence is matched only by Eric's. And as if that wasn't bad enough, that lovable travel accessory the Luggage has arrived, too. Accompanied by his best friends, there's only one thing Eric wishes now -- that he'd never been born!