ADHD According to Zoë: The Real Deal on Relationships, Finding Your Focus, and Finding Your Keys

Zoë Kessler

Like many women with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), journalist and popular blogger Zoë Kessler was diagnosed late in life—well into adulthood, in fact. But instead of seeing this lab...label as a burden to bear, Kessler decided to use it to gain a better understanding of herself, and to connect with others through her writing.In this unique and engaging memoir, Kessler shares her own stories of living with ADHD in a way that is relatable, but never predictable. Inside, she describes how her impulsive behavior has affected her love life; how being disorganized once stood in the way of landing a job; and how inattentiveness has caused certain challenges in her relationships. Kessler also offers key coping skills based on her experience; skills that you can use to focus your energy, become more organized, and boost your self-esteem while tapping into creativity and humor.Kessler’s story illustrates how being diagnosed with ADHD late into adulthood can be bewildering, but it also shows what a great opportunity it can be to take stock of your life and make real, lasting changes. Whether you share her diagnosis of ADHD, or just like a good story, ADHD According to Zoë will inspire you and encourage you to embrace your quirks.For more information about Kessler and her work, please visit

  • Počet strán: 224 strán
  • ISBN13:9781608826612
  • Ďalšie vydania: Královna chaosu

AUTOR: Zoë KesslerORIGINÁL: ADHD according to Zoë (New Harbinger Publications, 2013, Oakland)PŘEKLAD: Petra DiestlerováNAKLADATELSTVÍ: PortálROK: 2019POČET STRAN: 223ZDROJ: vlastní Anotace O ADHD se mluví jako o výlučně mužské záležitosti. Hyperaktivní? Přece muži! Nezvládají svůj život? Přece muži! Zoë to ale vidí jinak. ADHD k ní patří, zjistili ho, až když už byla dospělá, a ona se[...]

Like many women with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), journalist and popular blogger Zoë Kessler was diagnosed late in life—well into adulthood, in fact. But instead of seeing this label as a burden to bear, Kessler decided to use it to gain a better understanding of herself, and to connect with others through her writing.

In this unique and engaging memoir, Kessler shares her own stories of living with ADHD in a way that is relatable, but never predictable. Inside, she describes how her impulsive behavior has affected her love life; how being disorganized once stood in the way of landing a job; and how inattentiveness has caused certain challenges in her relationships. Kessler also offers key coping skills based on her experience; skills that you can use to focus your energy, become more organized, and boost your self-esteem while tapping into creativity and humor.

Kessler’s story illustrates how being diagnosed with ADHD late into adulthood can be bewildering, but it also shows what a great opportunity it can be to take stock of your life and make real, lasting changes. Whether you share her diagnosis of ADHD, or just like a good story, ADHD According to Zoë will inspire you and encourage you to embrace your quirks.

For more information about Kessler and her work, please visit