Vet on the Loose

Gillian Hick
Not Avail • 2014

The Hair-Raising Adventures of an Irish Vet: Whether castrating horses in Dublin's inner city or dehorning cattle in the wilds of Wicklow, rescuing mangled cats from mongrels or tending to stoned guar...d dogs, vet Gillian Hick's sense of humour never deserts her in this engaging account of the challenging situations she encounters in the course of her work as a newly qualified veterinary surgeon. Not only does she have to deal with the animals and their ailments, but she also has to contend with the perils of matchmaking mothers and macho farmers -- not to mention the guys who want to know 'where is the real vet?'

  • Počet strán: 250 strán
  • ISBN13:9781847173485
  • Ďalšie vydania: Veterinářka

Přežije mladá veterinářka na irském venkově? Jedině se smyslem pro humor! Prostě James Herriot v sukních! Ať už kastruje koně v Dublinu nebo odřezává rohy skotu na wicklowském venkově, zachraňuje zraněné kočky před podvraťáky nebo se potýká se zdrogovanými hlídacími psy, veterinářku Gillian Hickovou humor nikdy neopouští. A právě její neutuchající smysl pro humor se promítá do této[...]

The Hair-Raising Adventures of an Irish Vet: Whether castrating horses in Dublin's inner city or dehorning cattle in the wilds of Wicklow, rescuing mangled cats from mongrels or tending to stoned guard dogs, vet Gillian Hick's sense of humour never deserts her in this engaging account of the challenging situations she encounters in the course of her work as a newly qualified veterinary surgeon. Not only does she have to deal with the animals and their ailments, but she also has to contend with the perils of matchmaking mothers and macho farmers -- not to mention the guys who want to know 'where is the real vet?'