Francesco Tirelli's Ice Cream Shop

Tamar Meir (Yael Albert a Noga Applebaum)

Francesco Tirelli loved to eat gelato from his uncle's cart. So when he moves from Italy to Hungary, Francesco decides to open his own ice cream store. There young Peter learns to love ice cream as as Francesco did. But when the war comes and Francesco closes his shop for the winter, he uses the shop for a special purpose--to hide his Jewish friends and neighbors from danger. This heroic tale is based on true events.

Francesco Tirelli mal tak veľmi rád zmrzlinu u svojho strýčka Carla, že keď dospel a presťahoval sa do Budapešti, otvoril si zmrzlinárstvo. Aj keď ho mnohí od toho odhovárali, pretože v tých časoch ľudia chodili do lahôdkárstva, na palacinky, trdelníky, plnené knedlíčky, ale nie na zmrzlinu. Francesco sa ale nenechal odradiť, zmrzlinárstvo otvoril a chodili k nemu aj tí, ktorí tvrdili, že si[...]

Francesco Tirelli loved to eat gelato from his uncle's cart. So when he moves from Italy to Hungary, Francesco decides to open his own ice cream store. There young Peter learns to love ice cream as much as Francesco did. But when the war comes and Francesco closes his shop for the winter, he uses the shop for a special purpose--to hide his Jewish friends and neighbors from danger. This heroic tale is based on true events.