The Reunion

Guillaume Musso a Frank Wynne

An elite prep school frozen in the snowThree friends linked by a tragic secretOne girl taken by the nightThe French Riviera – 25 years agoOne freezing night, as her campus is paralyzed by a snowstorm,...m, 19-year-old Vinca Rockwell, the most beautiful and glamorous girl at her prep school, runs away with her philosophy teacher, with whom she has been conducting a secret affair.She will never be seen again.The French Riviera – present dayOnce inseparable, Thomas, Maxime, and Fanny—Vinca’s best friends— have not spoken since graduation. But when they receive a notice from their old school, detailing plans for a new gymnasium and inviting them to come to a class reunion, they know they must go back one more time. Because there is a body buried in the gym’s walls…and they’re the ones who put it there.What really happened that long-ago winter night? Now nothing stands in the way of the truth.From France’s #1 bestselling author, Guillaume Musso, The Reunion is a taut and suspenseful thriller that will keep readers riveted until its haunting final page.

  • Počet strán: 288 strán
  • ISBN13:9780316490146
  • Ďalšie vydania: Dívka a noc

Ak si chcete prečítať túto knihu, oficiálnu anotáciu si nečítajte! Odhaľuje viac, ako je potrebné. Moju anotáciu nižšie si však pozrieť môžete. Snažila som sa ju napísať neurčito. Minulosť striehne, aby mohla zaútočiť plnou silou. Chystá sa zničiť zopár životov, pretože ona nezabúda. Môže čakať roky, no dobehne vás.V roku 1992 zmizlo obľúbené dievča z prestížneho kampusu. Nikto ju už[...]

An elite prep school frozen in the snow
Three friends linked by a tragic secret
One girl taken by the night

The French Riviera – 25 years ago
One freezing night, as her campus is paralyzed by a snowstorm, 19-year-old Vinca Rockwell, the most beautiful and glamorous girl at her prep school, runs away with her philosophy teacher, with whom she has been conducting a secret affair.

She will never be seen again.

The French Riviera – present day
Once inseparable, Thomas, Maxime, and Fanny—Vinca’s best friends— have not spoken since graduation. But when they receive a notice from their old school, detailing plans for a new gymnasium and inviting them to come to a class reunion, they know they must go back one more time. Because there is a body buried in the gym’s walls…and they’re the ones who put it there.

What really happened that long-ago winter night? Now nothing stands in the way of the truth.

From France’s #1 bestselling author, Guillaume Musso, The Reunion is a taut and suspenseful thriller that will keep readers riveted until its haunting final page.