The Empire of Ashes (The Draconis Memoria, #3)

Anthony Ryan
Orbit • 2018

For hundreds of years, the Ironship Trading Syndicate was fuelled by drake blood–and protected by the Blood-blessed, those few who could drink it and wield fearsome powers. But now the very thing sustained the corporate world threatens to destroy it.A drake of unimaginable power has risen, and it commands an army of both beasts and men. Rogue Blood-blessed Claydon Torcreek, Syndicate agent Lizanne Lethridge, and Ironship captain Corrick Hilemore, spread to disparate corners of the world, must rely upon the new powers and knowledge they have gained at great price to halt its forces–or face the end of all they know.

Když se v roce 2014 poprvé českým čtenářům představil Anthony Ryan se svým nadějným debutem Píseň krve, zapůsobil jako blesk z čistého nebe. Nyní, o šest let později přichází čas zakončit příběh epické fantasy trilogie Draconis Memoria. Vydejme se naposled do světa, jenž potěší příznivce draků, “magie”, ale i steampunkových technologií. Říše popela již čeká… [...] The post Anthony Ryan –[...]

For hundreds of years, the Ironship Trading Syndicate was fuelled by drake blood–and protected by the Blood-blessed, those few who could drink it and wield fearsome powers. But now the very thing that sustained the corporate world threatens to destroy it.

A drake of unimaginable power has risen, and it commands an army of both beasts and men. Rogue Blood-blessed Claydon Torcreek, Syndicate agent Lizanne Lethridge, and Ironship captain Corrick Hilemore, spread to disparate corners of the world, must rely upon the new powers and knowledge they have gained at great price to halt its forces–or face the end of all they know.