The Wedding Game (Matchmaker Duncan Sisters, #3)

Jane Feather
Bantam • 2004

In this captivating romance about the inimitable Duncan sisters and their clandestine matchmaking service, a handsome new client throws youngest sister Chastity into an unexpected quandary. Chastity l...istens to Dr. Douglas Farrell’s distressingly unromantic requirements for a wife: wealth and social status. Her instinct is to refuse service to the tall, muscular, dark-eyed physician, but she can’t turn away a paying client. Yet the doctor conceals a secret. He’s prepared to sacrifice his bachelorhood for his true passion: caring for the poorest of London’s poor. Of course, his dream requires capital. For that, he is convinced he needs a well-to-do, well-connected wife. Little does Chastity know that if she ever learned the selfless truth, the handsome doctor just might steal her heart. And if Douglas ever lifted the veil that covers this mysterious woman, he might discover his perfect match.

Trilógia o sestrách Duncanových vstupuje do svojej poslednej fázy. A som si istý, že mnohým čitateľom (či skôr čitateľkám) bude za nimi smutno a radi by uvítali aj ďalšie pokračovania. Jane Featherová však vie, že je lepšie série umelo nenaťahovať, a okrem toho má určite v talóne iné vydarené príbehy. Ideálny pár sa zameriava na lásku Chestity, najmladšej a jedinej (ešte) slobodnej sestry.[...]

Originál: The Wedding Game (2004) Autor: Jane Feather  Vydavateľstvo: Slovenský spisovateľ Preklad: Miriam GhaniováPočet strán: 264Rok vydania: 2018 Sestry Duncanové vydávajú nezávislé noviny The Mayfair Lady, v ktorých presadzujú práva žien a zároveň vedú tajnú zoznamovaciu službu pre londýnsku smotánku. Jedným z ich klientov sa stane aj doktor Farrell a Chastity, ktorá je ako posledná[...]

In this captivating romance about the inimitable Duncan sisters and their clandestine matchmaking service, a handsome new client throws youngest sister Chastity into an unexpected quandary.

Chastity listens to Dr. Douglas Farrell’s distressingly unromantic requirements for a wife: wealth and social status. Her instinct is to refuse service to the tall, muscular, dark-eyed physician, but she can’t turn away a paying client. Yet the doctor conceals a secret. He’s prepared to sacrifice his bachelorhood for his true passion: caring for the poorest of London’s poor. Of course, his dream requires capital. For that, he is convinced he needs a well-to-do, well-connected wife. Little does Chastity know that if she ever learned the selfless truth, the handsome doctor just might steal her heart. And if Douglas ever lifted the veil that covers this mysterious woman, he might discover his perfect match.