A Place Called Freedom

Ken Follett
Ballantine Books • 1996

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER   Scotland, 1766. Sentenced to a life of misery in the brutal coal mines, twenty-one-year-old Mack McAsh hungers for escape. His only ally: the beautiful, highborn Lizzie Hal...llim, who is trapped in her own kind of hell. Though separated by politics and position, these two restless young people are bound by their passionate search for a place called freedom.   From the teeming streets of London to the infernal hold of a slave ship to a sprawling Virginia plantation, Ken Follett’s turbulent, unforgettable novel of liberty and revolution brings together a vivid cast of heroes and villains, lovers and rebels, hypocrites and hell-raisers—all propelled by destiny toward an epic struggle that will change their lives forever.  Praise for A Place Called Freedom   “Gripping . . . a very entertaining tale.”—Chicago Tribune   “Compelling.”—San Francisco Chronicle  “Quick-paced.”—New York Daily News  “An altogether entertaining reading experience.”—Minneapolis Star Tribune

  • Počet strán: 437 strán
  • ISBN13:9780449225158
  • Ďalšie vydania: Krajina slobody

Len nedávno som čítal Follettove Piliere moci a už tu máme vďaka vydavateľstvu Tatran ďalšiu lahôdku. Krajina slobody je takisto nabitá dejom a pestrými charaktermi, no v ešte väčšej miere cieli na historické udalosti a bohatosť zvratov. Piliere moci ukázali dopad svetovej hospodárskej krízy na život všetkých vrstiev spoločnosti,a s rovnako početnými postavami sa stretávame i teraz. Na Kenovi[...]

Román, ktorého dej je umiestnený do 18. storočia, mapuje spoločenské pomery v tejto dobe. V časoch, keď človek znamenal menej než málo a ľudia boli majetkom ďalších ľudí, sa jeden nebojácny muž ozval. Malo to však svoje následky. Nezostal nepotrestaný.On ale sníva o inom živote. O tom, ako ujde zo Škótska a bude pracovať na vlastnej pôde. Takej, ktorú by mohol nazvať svojou.Získava[...]

Scotland, 1766. Sentenced to a life of misery in the brutal coal mines, twenty-one-year-old Mack McAsh hungers for escape. His only ally: the beautiful, highborn Lizzie Hallim, who is trapped in her own kind of hell. Though separated by politics and position, these two restless young people are bound by their passionate search for a place called freedom.
From the teeming streets of London to the infernal hold of a slave ship to a sprawling Virginia plantation, Ken Follett’s turbulent, unforgettable novel of liberty and revolution brings together a vivid cast of heroes and villains, lovers and rebels, hypocrites and hell-raisers—all propelled by destiny toward an epic struggle that will change their lives forever.
Praise for A Place Called Freedom
“Gripping . . . a very entertaining tale.”Chicago Tribune
“Compelling.”San Francisco Chronicle
“Quick-paced.”—New York Daily News
“An altogether entertaining reading experience.”—Minneapolis Star Tribune