Little Black Lies

Sharon J. Bolton
Minotaur Books • 2015

In such a small community as the Falkland Islands, a missing child is unheard of. In such a dangerous landscape it can only be a terrible tragedy, surely...When another child goes missing, and then a ...third, it’s no longer possible to believe that their deaths were accidental, and the villagers must admit that there is a murderer among them. Even Catrin Quinn, a damaged woman living a reclusive life after the accidental deaths of her own two sons a few years ago, gets involved in the searches and the speculation.And suddenly, in this wild and beautiful place that generations have called home, no one feels safe and the hysteria begins to rise.But three islanders—Catrin, her childhood best friend, Rachel, and her ex-lover Callum—are hiding terrible secrets. And they have two things in common: all three of them are grieving, and none of them trust anyone, not even themselves.

  • Počet strán: 368 strán
  • ISBN13:9781250028594
  • Originálny názov: Little Black Lies

Sharon J. Bolton opäť potvrdzuje svoj status renomovanej autorky krimirománov, ktoré v sebe spájajú to najlepšie v danom žánri. Vzhľadom na prostredie odľahlých Falklandských ostrovov majú Malé temné lži skvostne temnú, priam noirovú atmosféru, kde sa dajú ľudské pochybenia síce dobre schovať, ale, na druhej strane, už nedočkavo čakajú, kedy sa môžu znovu dostať na svetlo. Sharon je známa[...]

Sharon Bolton mi práve potvrdila, že je naozaj skvelá spisovateľka svojho žánru. V češtine vyšlo už niekoľko kníh, no ja som sa s ňou zoznámila pred Vianocami s thrillerom Už teď jsi mrtvá. Okamžite som vedela, že jej novinky si nenechám ujsť. Fanúšikov musí mať veľa, pretože nakladateľstvo Domino neotáľa a nová kniha je už v predaji. Je to opäť samostatná kniha bez pokračovania a volá sa[...]

In such a small community as the Falkland Islands, a missing child is unheard of. In such a dangerous landscape it can only be a terrible tragedy, surely...

When another child goes missing, and then a third, it’s no longer possible to believe that their deaths were accidental, and the villagers must admit that there is a murderer among them. Even Catrin Quinn, a damaged woman living a reclusive life after the accidental deaths of her own two sons a few years ago, gets involved in the searches and the speculation.

And suddenly, in this wild and beautiful place that generations have called home, no one feels safe and the hysteria begins to rise.

But three islanders—Catrin, her childhood best friend, Rachel, and her ex-lover Callum—are hiding terrible secrets. And they have two things in common: all three of them are grieving, and none of them trust anyone, not even themselves.