The Mermaid

Christina Henry
Berkley • 2018

From the author of Lost Boy comes a historical fairy tale about a mermaid who leaves the sea for love and later finds herself in P.T. Barnum's American Museum as the real Fiji mermaid. However, leavin...g the museum may be harder than leaving the sea ever was.Once there was a mermaid who longed to know of more than her ocean home and her people. One day a fisherman trapped her in his net but couldn't bear to keep her. But his eyes were lonely and caught her more surely than the net, and so she evoked a magic that allowed her to walk upon the shore. The mermaid, Amelia, became his wife, and they lived on a cliff above the ocean for ever so many years, until one day the fisherman rowed out to sea and did not return.P. T. Barnum was looking for marvelous attractions for his American Museum, and he'd heard a rumor of a mermaid who lived on a cliff by the sea. He wanted to make his fortune, and an attraction like Amelia was just the ticket.Amelia agreed to play the mermaid for Barnum, and she believes she can leave any time she likes. But Barnum has never given up a money-making scheme in his life, and he's determined to hold on to his mermaid.

  • Počet strán: 325 strán
  • ISBN13:9780399584046
  • Ďalšie vydania: Mořská panna

The Mermaid Autorka Christina Henry  Nakladatelství Jota  Překlad Tereza Suchá  Rok vydání 2019 Hodnocení 4,5*/5* Byla jednou jedna malá mořská panna, která chtěla poznat svět lidí, chtěla zažít pravou lásku a procestovat celý svět jako obyčejný člověk. Namísto toho se ale z ní stal muzejní exponát...Mořská Panna je inspirována skutečnou událostí. P. T. Barnum měl v 19. století show, ve[...]

Bytosti z hlubin, sirény, nebo zkrátka mořské panny od pradávna fascinují nejen literární svět. A přece to, kromě vyprávění větrem a mořem ošlehaných námořníků, byla právě pohádka Hanse Christiana Andersena, co svět mořských žínek svým způsobem poprvé přiblížila čtenářům všech koutů světa. Mořská panna americké autorky Christiny Henryové je podobnou variací na známý příběh dánského[...]

From the author of Lost Boy comes a historical fairy tale about a mermaid who leaves the sea for love and later finds herself in P.T. Barnum's American Museum as the real Fiji mermaid. However, leaving the museum may be harder than leaving the sea ever was.

Once there was a mermaid who longed to know of more than her ocean home and her people. One day a fisherman trapped her in his net but couldn't bear to keep her. But his eyes were lonely and caught her more surely than the net, and so she evoked a magic that allowed her to walk upon the shore. The mermaid, Amelia, became his wife, and they lived on a cliff above the ocean for ever so many years, until one day the fisherman rowed out to sea and did not return.

P. T. Barnum was looking for marvelous attractions for his American Museum, and he'd heard a rumor of a mermaid who lived on a cliff by the sea. He wanted to make his fortune, and an attraction like Amelia was just the ticket.

Amelia agreed to play the mermaid for Barnum, and she believes she can leave any time she likes. But Barnum has never given up a money-making scheme in his life, and he's determined to hold on to his mermaid.