Hunted (DS Heckenburg, #5)

Paul Finch
Avon • 2015

Heck needs to watch his back. Because someone’s watching him…Across the south of England, a series of bizarre but fatal accidents are taking place. So when a local businessman survives a near-drowning...ning but is found burnt alive in his car just weeks later, DS Mark ‘Heck’ Heckenburg is brought in to investigate.Soon it appears that other recent deaths might be linked: two thieves that were bitten to death by poisonous spiders, and a driver impaled through the chest with scaffolding.Accidents do happen but as the body count rises it’s clear that something far more sinister is at play, and it’s coming for Heck too…

  ANOTACE: Na jihu Anglie se událo několik bizarních, nicméně velmi fatálních nehod. Mladý milionář se štěstím vyvázl utonutí, aby po několika týdnech uhořel ve vlastním voze. Na tři zlodějíčky ujíždějící v ukradeném autě zaútočili štíři… Takovýchto nešťastných náhod se během krátkého času událo snad až příliš mnoho. Podezřele mnoho. A tak je k případu [...]

Britský autor Paul Finch sa dostal na môj  osobný rebríček top autorov krimitrilerov zásluhou románu Klub zabijáků. Išlo o tretiu časť série v "hlavnej úlohe" s detektívom Markom "Heckom" Heckenburgom. Nielenže išlo o absolútne napínavý a vygradovaný príbeh, ale v rámci celej série sa stal akousi slučkou. Nechcem prezrádzať priveľa, aby som niekoho neukrátil o zážitok, no Heck sa ocitol na[...]

Heck needs to watch his back. Because someone’s watching him…

Across the south of England, a series of bizarre but fatal accidents are taking place. So when a local businessman survives a near-drowning but is found burnt alive in his car just weeks later, DS Mark ‘Heck’ Heckenburg is brought in to investigate.

Soon it appears that other recent deaths might be linked: two thieves that were bitten to death by poisonous spiders, and a driver impaled through the chest with scaffolding.

Accidents do happen but as the body count rises it’s clear that something far more sinister is at play, and it’s coming for Heck too…