Midnight Sun (The Twilight Saga, #5)

Stephenie Meyer

When Edward Cullen and Bella Swan met in Twilight, an iconic love story was born. But until now, fans have heard only Bella's side of the story. At last, readers can experience Edward's version in the... long-awaited companion novel, Midnight Sun.This unforgettable tale as told through Edward's eyes takes on a new and decidedly dark twist. Meeting Bella is both the most unnerving and intriguing event he has experienced in all his years as a vampire. As we learn more fascinating details about Edward's past and the complexity of his inner thoughts, we understand why this is the defining struggle of his life. How can he justify following his heart if it means leading Bella into danger?

Za knihu ďakujem vydavateľstvu Tatran ♥ Dlho očakávaný návrat do sveta Twilightu je jednoznačne triumfom. Ikonický príbeh Belly a Edwarda nadobúda nový temný podtón. Pre Edwarda je to najzaujímavejšia udalosť, akú kedy zažil počas svojho dlhého života. V Polnočnom slnku sa dozvieme fascinujúce podrobnosti z Edwardovej minulosti, o zložitosti jeho vnútorného boja pri pohľade[...]

When Edward Cullen and Bella Swan met in Twilight, an iconic love story was born. But until now, fans have heard only Bella's side of the story. At last, readers can experience Edward's version in the long-awaited companion novel, Midnight Sun.

This unforgettable tale as told through Edward's eyes takes on a new and decidedly dark twist. Meeting Bella is both the most unnerving and intriguing event he has experienced in all his years as a vampire. As we learn more fascinating details about Edward's past and the complexity of his inner thoughts, we understand why this is the defining struggle of his life. How can he justify following his heart if it means leading Bella into danger?