A Note Yet Unsung (Belmont Mansion, #3)

Tamera Alexander

A master violinist trained in Vienna, Rebekah Carrington manages to wheedle her way into an audition with the maestro at the newly formed Nashville Philharmonic. But women are "far too fragile and fra...il" for the rigors of an orchestra, and Rebekah's hopes are swiftly dashed because the conductor—determined to leave his mark on the world of classical music—bows to public opinion. To make matters worse, Adelicia Acklen Cheatham, mistress of Belmont Mansion and Rebekah's new employer, agrees with him.Nationally acclaimed conductor Nathaniel Tate Whitcomb is Nashville's new orchestra leader. And despite a reluctant muse—and a strange buzzing and recurring pain in his head—he must finish composing his symphony before the grand opening of the city's new opera hall. But far more pressing, he must finish it for the one who first inspired his love of music—his father, who is dying. As Tate's ailment worsens, he believes Rebekah can help him finish his symphony. But how do you win back a woman's trust when you've robbed her of her dream?As music moves us to tears yet makes our hearts soar, A Note Yet Unsung captures the splendor of classical music at a time when women's hard-won strides in cultural issues changed not only world history—but the hearts of men.

Americká autorka Tamera Alexanderová si ma získala už svojou sériou príbehov z veľkostatku Belle Meade. Prostredie Juhu spamätávajúceho sa z občianskej vojny, ponúkajúce okrem reálií plantáží a miest hlavne silné ľudské príbehy, je východiskom aj ďalšej série s názvom Príbehy z Belmontu. Takisto ide o skutočnú plantáž neďaleko Nashvillu, ktorá autorke učarovala rovnako ako povesť jej[...]

Originál: A Note Yet Unsung (2017)Autor: Tamera Alexander Vydavateľstvo: i527.netPreklad: Jana Hlatká Počet strán: 528Rok vydania: 2019Rebeka Carringtonová, husľová virtuózka, ktorá získala vzdelanie vo Viedni, sa votrie na konkurz s dirigentom Nashvillskej filharmónie. Ženy sú však príliš krehké stvorenia a nemôžu zvládnuť námahu, ktorú od nich hra v orchestri vyžaduje. Rebekina[...]

Príbehy z Belmontu 3 Ak hľadáte výnimočný historický román, určite si nenechajte ujsť knihu Nadpozemská melódia od Tamery Alexanderovej. Krásny a strhujúci príbeh sa odohráva v Nashville v Tennessee v roku 1871, keď ženy nemali veľa možností ukázať svoj talent v oblastiach, kde vtedy dominovali muži. Ak ste čítali predchádzajúce Príbehy z Belmontu, stretli ste […] Príspevok Nadpozemská[...]

A master violinist trained in Vienna, Rebekah Carrington manages to wheedle her way into an audition with the maestro at the newly formed Nashville Philharmonic. But women are "far too fragile and frail" for the rigors of an orchestra, and Rebekah's hopes are swiftly dashed because the conductor—determined to leave his mark on the world of classical music—bows to public opinion. To make matters worse, Adelicia Acklen Cheatham, mistress of Belmont Mansion and Rebekah's new employer, agrees with him.

Nationally acclaimed conductor Nathaniel Tate Whitcomb is Nashville's new orchestra leader. And despite a reluctant muse—and a strange buzzing and recurring pain in his head—he must finish composing his symphony before the grand opening of the city's new opera hall. But far more pressing, he must finish it for the one who first inspired his love of music—his father, who is dying.

As Tate's ailment worsens, he believes Rebekah can help him finish his symphony. But how do you win back a woman's trust when you've robbed her of her dream?

As music moves us to tears yet makes our hearts soar, A Note Yet Unsung captures the splendor of classical music at a time when women's hard-won strides in cultural issues changed not only world history—but the hearts of men.