The Butterfly and the Violin (Hidden Masterpiece, #1)

Kristy Cambron
Thomas Nelson • 2014

A Mysterious painting breathes hope and beauty into the darkest corners of Auschwitz--and the loneliest hearts of Manhattan.Manhattan art dealer Sera James watched her world crumble at the altar two y...ears ago, and her heart is still fragile. Her desire for distraction reignites a passion for a mysterious portrait she first saw as a young girl--a painting of a young violinist with piercing blue eyes.In her search for the painting, Sera crosses paths with William Hanover--the grandson of a wealthy California real estate mogul--who may be the key to uncovering the hidden masterpiece. Together Sera and William slowly unravel the story behind the painting's subject: Austrian violinist Adele Von Bron.A darling of the Austrian aristocracy of 1942, talented violinist, and daughter to a high-ranking member of the Third Reich, Adele risks everything when she begins smuggling Jews out of Vienna. In a heartbeat, her life of prosperity and privilege dissolves into a world of starvation and barbed wire.As Sera untangles the secrets behind the painting, she finds beauty in the most unlikely of places: the grim camps of Auschwitz and the inner recesses of her own troubled heart.

Záhadný obraz vdýchne nádej a krásu do najtemnejších kútov Osvienčimu a do jedného z najosamelejších sŕdc na Manhattane. Súčasnosť: Obchodníčke s umením Sere Jamesovej sa pred dvomi rokmi pred oltárom zrútil svet. Túžba po rozptýlení v nej nanovo rozdúcha záujem o záhadný portrét, ktorý videla v detstve – obraz mladej huslistky s prenikavo modrými očami.  Počas pátrania po ňom sa[...]

Historické romány z čias holokaustu považujem za výnimočné. Príbeh Motýľ a husle mi poodhalil ďalšiu tvár holokaustu, o ktorej som vôbec netušila. Hoci ľudia v táboroch žili v neľudských podmienkach a boli obratí o všetok svoj majetok a rodinu, nacisti im nedokázali vziať ľudskosť a talenty, ktoré do nich vložil sám Boh. Mnohí ľudia podľahli […] Príspevok Motýľ a husle zobrazený najskôr[...]

V posledných pár rokoch je téma druhej svetovej vojny omnoho častejšou ako kedysi. Žiaľ, je to spôsobené aj tým, že pamäť ľudí býva zradná a nové generácie si už natoľko neuvedomujú hrôzy, aké museli prežívať naši predkovia. Niektorí autori (či vydavateľstvá) sa chytili danej tematiky azda až príliš horlivo, aby zo záujmu verejnosti vyťažili čo najviac, a kvantita občas predbehne kvalitu.[...]

A Mysterious painting breathes hope and beauty into the darkest corners of Auschwitz--and the loneliest hearts of Manhattan.

Manhattan art dealer Sera James watched her world crumble at the altar two years ago, and her heart is still fragile. Her desire for distraction reignites a passion for a mysterious portrait she first saw as a young girl--a painting of a young violinist with piercing blue eyes.

In her search for the painting, Sera crosses paths with William Hanover--the grandson of a wealthy California real estate mogul--who may be the key to uncovering the hidden masterpiece. Together Sera and William slowly unravel the story behind the painting's subject: Austrian violinist Adele Von Bron.

A darling of the Austrian aristocracy of 1942, talented violinist, and daughter to a high-ranking member of the Third Reich, Adele risks everything when she begins smuggling Jews out of Vienna. In a heartbeat, her life of prosperity and privilege dissolves into a world of starvation and barbed wire.

As Sera untangles the secrets behind the painting, she finds beauty in the most unlikely of places: the grim camps of Auschwitz and the inner recesses of her own troubled heart.