Leonard and Hungry Paul

Ronan Hession

In this startling debut, Ronan Hession tells the story of two thirty-something men who who take care of their parents and play board games together. Who like to read. Who take satisfaction in their wo...rk. Who are resolutely kind. Leonard and Hungry Paul is the story of two friends trying to find their place in the world. It is about the uncelebrated people of this world. And it asks a surprisingly enthralling question: Can kind people change the world?

AUTOR: Rónán Hession ORIGINÁL: Leonard and Hungry Paul (Melville House, New York, 2020) PŘEKLAD: Zora FreiováNAKLADATELSTVÍ: HostROK: 2021POČET STRAN: 272ZDROJ: vlastní Anotace Odzbrojující román kladoucí prostou otázku: Mohou dobří lidé změnit svět? Leonard a Hladový Paul je okouzlující příběh dvou milých svobodných třicátníků, kterých byste si na ulici ani nevšimli, natož aby se z nich[...]

In this startling debut, Ronan Hession tells the story of two thirty-something men who who take care of their parents and play board games together. Who like to read. Who take satisfaction in their work. Who are resolutely kind.

Leonard and Hungry Paul is the story of two friends trying to find their place in the world. It is about the uncelebrated people of this world. And it asks a surprisingly enthralling question: Can kind people change the world?