Camper-Food & Stories

Els Sirejacob (Bram Debaenst)

Features camper traveling tips and tricks as well as recipes to enjoy on the road, all year round Chef and food stylist Els Sirejacob and food photographer Bram Debaenst know all about good food, and to make it look delicious in photos. They have something else in common as well, they both love traveling in a camper van. In this book, they've combined the things they love most in life. It's a cookbook with lots of recipes and tricks to prepare good food on the road, all year round. It's also so much more: the beautiful photos will spark your imagination and the personal stories really bring to life the wonderful feeling of being on the road and free. The chapters correspond to the different regions and countries Bram and Els visited in Europe: from the Black Forest in Germany to Cornwall in England and from the Ardennes to Northern Greece. The practical tips - where to camp or not to camp, how to avoid stress before your trip, what to pack - are an extra asset.

  • Počet strán: 240 strán
  • ISBN13:9789460582691

Ak by som chcela napísať knihu z nášho van life, vyzerala by takto nejak. Bola by plná fotiek, z ktorých by dýchala atmosféra cestovania, pohody a života v obytňáku. Boli by v nej tipy na miesta, ktoré nám učarovali, kde sme sa cítili dobre a kam by sme sa bez váhania vrátili alebo ich odporúčali aj ďalším cestovateľom. A boli by v nej recepty na jedlá, ktoré nie je problém v aute uvariť.[...]

Features camper traveling tips and tricks as well as recipes to enjoy on the road, all year round Chef and food stylist Els Sirejacob and food photographer Bram Debaenst know all about good food, and how to make it look delicious in photos. They have something else in common as well, they both love traveling in a camper van. In this book, they've combined the things they love most in life. It's a cookbook with lots of recipes and tricks to prepare good food on the road, all year round. It's also so much more: the beautiful photos will spark your imagination and the personal stories really bring to life the wonderful feeling of being on the road and free. The chapters correspond to the different regions and countries Bram and Els visited in Europe: from the Black Forest in Germany to Cornwall in England and from the Ardennes to Northern Greece. The practical tips - where to camp or not to camp, how to avoid stress before your trip, what to pack - are an extra asset.