The Sinai Secret (Lang Reilly #3)

Gregg Loomis

A scientist in Amsterdam—murdered. Another scientist in Atlanta— murdered, and his journal stolen. At first Lang Reilly seemed to be the only connection. After all, both scientists worked for his But when someone took a shot at Lang to scare him away, it only made him more determined to find the truth.Lang’s search will lead him along a twisted trail to Brussels, Cairo, Vienna, Tel Aviv…and deep into the secrets of the past. What’s the connection between the murdered scientists and an ancient parchment, recently unearthed? What revelations does it contain, and what powerful group is willing to kill to make sure its secrets remain hidden? With the balance of power in the Middle East at risk, Lang has to stay alive long enough to find the answer to a mystery that has puzzled historians for centuries.

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ANOTACE: SMRTÍCÍ TAJEMSTVÍ STAROVĚKÉHO RUKOPISU STŘEŽÍ BIBLICKÁ HORA CHORÉB… Dva vědci – jeden v Amsterdamu a druhý v Atlantě – jsou zavražděni. Zpočátku se zdá, že mezi nimi existuje jediná spojitost: Lang Reilly. Koneckonců oba muži pracovali pro jeho nadaci. Jenže když někdo po Langovi pro výstrahu vystřelí, jen podpoří jeho odhodlání dobrat se pravdy. [...] The post Gregg Loomis – Mise[...]

A scientist in Amsterdam—murdered. Another scientist in Atlanta— murdered, and his journal stolen. At first Lang Reilly seemed to be the only connection. After all, both scientists worked for his foundation. But when someone took a shot at Lang to scare him away, it only made him more determined to find the truth.

Lang’s search will lead him along a twisted trail to Brussels, Cairo, Vienna, Tel Aviv…and deep into the secrets of the past. What’s the connection between the murdered scientists and an ancient parchment, recently unearthed? What revelations does it contain, and what powerful group is willing to kill to make sure its secrets remain hidden? With the balance of power in the Middle East at risk, Lang has to stay alive long enough to find the answer to a mystery that has puzzled historians for centuries.