Dark Fire (Matthew Shardlake, #2)

C.J. Sansom
Penguin Group • 2006

        It is 1540, and Henry VIII has been on the throne for thirty-one years when Matthew Shardlake, the lawyer renowned as "the sharpest hunchback in the courts of England," is pressed to help a fr...lp a friend's young niece who is charged with murder.         Despite threats of torture and death by the rack, the girl is inexplicably silent. Shardlake is about to lose her case when he is suddenly granted a reprieve - one that will ensnare him again in the dangerous schemes of Thomas Cromwell, Henry VIII's feared vicar general.          In exchange for two more weeks to investigate the murder, Shardlake accepts Cromwell's assignment to find a lost cache of Dark Fire, an ancient weapon of mass destruction. Cromwell, out of favor since Henry's disastrous marriage to Anne of Cleves, is relying on Shardlake's discovery to save his position at court, which is rife with conspiracy

Autor: C. J. SansomOriginálny názov: Dark FireVydavateľstvo: Aktuell 2022Séria: Matthew Shardlake Diel:  2/7Počet strán: 480Žáner:  historická detektívkaMoje hodnotenie knihy: 3*/5*Moje hodnotenie obálky: 3*/5*Anotácia:Píše sa rok 1540. Henrich VIII. je na tróne už tridsaťdva rokov, keď právnik Matthew Shardlake, známy ako „najbystrejší hrbáč anglického súdnictva“, musí neodkladne pomôcť[...]

Matthew sa stále spamätáva z hrozných udalostí v kláštore, keď sa jeho cesty opäť skrížia s tými Cromwellovými. Znova je tam, kde nechcel byť. Od vikára sa chcel držať ďalej. To, do akého pekla ho vtedy poslal, mu stačilo aj na dva životy. Život je však nevyspytateľný a zdá sa, že veľkou hrou osudu mu bude zaviazaný. To by nepredpokladal ani v najhoršom sne. No jeho osobné postoje musia ísť[...]

        It is 1540, and Henry VIII has been on the throne for thirty-one years when Matthew Shardlake, the lawyer renowned as "the sharpest hunchback in the courts of England," is pressed to help a friend's young niece who is charged with murder.
        Despite threats of torture and death by the rack, the girl is inexplicably silent. Shardlake is about to lose her case when he is suddenly granted a reprieve - one that will ensnare him again in the dangerous schemes of Thomas Cromwell, Henry VIII's feared vicar general. 
        In exchange for two more weeks to investigate the murder, Shardlake accepts Cromwell's assignment to find a lost cache of Dark Fire, an ancient weapon of mass destruction. Cromwell, out of favor since Henry's disastrous marriage to Anne of Cleves, is relying on Shardlake's discovery to save his position at court, which is rife with conspiracy