Hatter's Castle

A.J. Cronin (Dorotėja Inkenaitė)

Hatter's Castle (1931) is the first novel of author A. J. Cronin. The story is set in 1879, in the fictional town of Levenford, on the Firth of Clyde. The plot revolves around many characters and has ...many subplots, all of which relate to the life of the hatter, James Brodie, whose narcissism and cruelty gradually destroy his family and life.

James Brodie si nevidí na špičku nosa. On je vážený klobučník. On má peniaze a vplyv. Ostatní by si z neho mali brať príklad! Nič ho nemôže pokoriť, no on zhadzuje všetkých okolo seba. Najviac si jeho despotickú povahu odskáče rodina. Je rodený tyran a všetci sa ho boja. James je pre svoju rodinu bohom (skazy). Nikto nesmie spochybňovať jeho autoritu. Všetci musia byť ticho a podriaďovať sa[...]

Hatter's Castle (1931) is the first novel of author A. J. Cronin. The story is set in 1879, in the fictional town of Levenford, on the Firth of Clyde. The plot revolves around many characters and has many subplots, all of which relate to the life of the hatter, James Brodie, whose narcissism and cruelty gradually destroy his family and life.