My Cup of Art

Katerina Karolik
Albatros Media • 2022

This little pop-up book by artist Katerina Karolik is about a seemingly ordinary object—the tea or coffee cup. Seen through an artist‘s eyes, however, everyday items can takeon new and unexpected form...forms.If you are curious about what a cup by Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, Piet Mondrian or Kazimir Malevich might look like, read on! You are sure to enjoy this playful and imaginative book about an item found on every kitchen table that still has the power to surprise.

Sumár recenzie
Recenzia na knihu na stránke je pozitívna. Autor knihu označuje za zaujímavú a pútavú. Knihu hodnotí ako vhodnú pre deti i dospelých. Podľa autora je táto kniha očarujúcou zbierkou umenia, ktorá dokáže rozvíjať kreativitu a fantáziu čitateľa. Kniha obsahuje farebné ilustrácie, pútavé príbehy a jednoduché inštrukcie na tvorenie. Autor odporúča knihu ako skvelý spôsob, ako si oddýchnuť a navodiť pokojnú a kreatívnu atmosféru. Recenzia končí vetou: "Nepochybne odporúčam!"

This little pop-up book by artist Katerina Karolik is about a seemingly ordinary object—the tea or coffee cup. Seen through an artist‘s eyes, however, everyday items can takeon new and unexpected forms.

If you are curious about what a cup by Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, Piet Mondrian or Kazimir Malevich might look like, read on! You are sure to enjoy this playful and imaginative book about an item found on every kitchen table that still has the power to surprise.