If He Had Been with Me

Laura Nowlin
Sourcebooks Fire • 2013

If he had been with me everything would have been different...I wasn't with Finn on that August night. But I should've been. It was raining, of course. And he and Sylvie were arguing as he drove down ...the slick road. No one ever says what they were arguing about. Other people think it's not important. They do not know there is another story. The story that lurks between the facts. What they do not know—the cause of the argument—is crucial.So let me tell you...

  • Počet strán: strán
  • ISBN13:9781402277825

Sumár recenzie
Vo Young Adult knihe s názvom If He Had Been with Me autorka Laura vykresľuje komplexné citové vzťahy a straty dvoch hlavných postáv, Autumn a Finnyho. Napriek dlhoročnému priateľstvu sa nakoniec vzdiali a snažia sa jeden druhého ignorovať, čo je však zložité, pretože ich rodiny sú spojené. S postupným obnovením priateľstva sa Autumn s Finnym začínajú zaoberať svojimi pocitmi, ale ich šťastie netrvá dlho. Autorka podáva príbeh jednoducho a zaujímavo, pričom koniec je šťastný, no záleží na vnímaní čitateľa.

If he had been with me everything would have been different...

I wasn't with Finn on that August night. But I should've been. It was raining, of course. And he and Sylvie were arguing as he drove down the slick road. No one ever says what they were arguing about. Other people think it's not important. They do not know there is another story. The story that lurks between the facts. What they do not know—the cause of the argument—is crucial.

So let me tell you...