Together, Again

Milly Johnson

PRE-ORDER THE BRAND NEW MILLY JOHNSON NOVEL, COMING IN SPRING 2024! Together again after years apart, can they find a new beginning? The brilliant novel full of laughter, love, tears and hope from the... Sunday Times bestselling author Milly Johnson. 'This masterpiece honestly describes the strength and acceptance required to be a family. 5 STARS' Adele Parks, Book of the Month, Platinum magazine ‘Emotional, empowering and heart-wrenching – sisterhood at its finest’ CATHY BRAMLEY Sisters Jolene, Marsha and Annis have convened at their beautiful family home, Fox House, following the death of their mother, the tricky Eleanor Vamplew. Born seven years apart, the women are more strangers than sisters. Jolene, the eldest, is a successful romantic novelist who writes about beautiful relationships even though her own marriage to the handsome and charming Warren is complicated. Marsha, the neglected middle child, has put all of her energy into her work, hoping money will plug the gap in her life left by the man who broke her young heart. Annis is the renegade, who left home aged sixteen and never returned, not even for the death of their beloved father Julian. Until now. So when the sisters discover that their mother has left everything to Annis in her will, it undermines everything they thought they knew. Can saying their final goodbyes to Eleanor bring them together again?Together, Again is the story of truths uncovered and lies exposed, of secrets told – and kept. It is a novel about sister helping sister to heal from childhood scars and finding in each other support, forgiveness, courage and love. Your favourite authors love Milly Johnson:  ‘Reading a Milly Johnson book is like spending time with a best friend – you always end up feeling better about the world. Written with genuine warmth and heart, they’re an absolute treat’ Lucy Diamond ‘Milly Johnson always delivers an absolutely cracking read’ Katie Fforde ‘One of those novels that draws you in to its world and makes you wish you could be friends with Shay. A tantalising juicy tale full of twists and turns that kept me gripped. Warm, funny and moving. One to curl up with and devour’ Ruth Jones on The Woman in the Middle ‘The feeling you get when you read a Milly Johnson book should be bottled and made available on the NHS’ Debbie Johnson ‘Milly’s writing is like getting a big hug with just the right amount of bite underneath’ Jane Fallon  

  • Počet strán: strán
  • ISBN13:9781398501201
  • Ďalšie vydania: Opäť spolu

Sumár recenzie
Tri odcudzené sestry, ktoré žili svoje životy bez vzájomných kontaktov, sa po smrti ich matky vrátia do rodičovského domu. Každá z nich tento neplánovaný pobyt považuje za povinnosť a plánuje ho len na nevyhnutný čas do doby pohrebu matky. Postupne sa vzájomne o sebe dozvedajú viac, začínajú najprv opatrne spomienkami na detstvo a na rodičov, s pribúdajúcimi spoločne strávenými dňami sa spoznávajú čoraz viac. Posledná vôľa zosnulej matky prispeje k tomu, že sestry si po vzájomnej podpore utvoria predstavu o svojej budúcnosti a splnení si svojich snov. Čítanie ma veľmi bavilo, aj keď som si napriek téme pohrebu myslela, že to bude oveľa pohodovejší žáner. Štýl, akým je písaná, vo mne vyvolával zvedavosť a tá ma hnala čítať a obracať stránku za stránkou.

Sumár recenzie
Knihu Opäť spolu, napísal autorka Milly Johnsonová, ktorú mi poslalo vydavateľstvo Fortuna Libri pred týždňom. Sledujeme príbeh troch sestier, Jolene, Marsha a Annis, ktoré sa po smrti matky Eleanor stretávajú po dlhej dobe. Ich detstvo s panovačnou matkou nebol jednoduchý, no čas strávený spolu ich zblíži a snažia sa dohnať stratené roky. Príbeh je plný napätia a odhalení tajomstiev, ktoré zasiahnu nielen sestry, ale aj vedľajšie postavy. Kniha ma potešila silnými postavami, vášňou, zakázanou láskou a zaujímavými rodinnými a partnerskými vzťahmi. Odporúčam ju všetkým, ktorí si radi prečítajú román, ktorý rezonuje ešte dlho po dočítaní.


Together again after years apart, can they find a new beginning? The brilliant novel full of laughter, love, tears and hope from the Sunday Times bestselling author Milly Johnson.

'This masterpiece honestly describes the strength and acceptance required to be a family. 5 STARS' Adele Parks, Book of the Month, Platinum magazine

‘Emotional, empowering and heart-wrenching – sisterhood at its finest’ CATHY BRAMLEY

Sisters Jolene, Marsha and Annis have convened at their beautiful family home, Fox House, following the death of their mother, the tricky Eleanor Vamplew. Born seven years apart, the women are more strangers than sisters.

Jolene, the eldest, is a successful romantic novelist who writes about beautiful relationships even though her own marriage to the handsome and charming Warren is complicated.
Marsha, the neglected middle child, has put all of her energy into her work, hoping money will plug the gap in her life left by the man who broke her young heart.

Annis is the renegade, who left home aged sixteen and never returned, not even for the death of their beloved father Julian. Until now.

So when the sisters discover that their mother has left everything to Annis in her will, it undermines everything they thought they knew. Can saying their final goodbyes to Eleanor bring them together again?

Together, Again is the story of truths uncovered and lies exposed, of secrets told – and kept. It is a novel about sister helping sister to heal from childhood scars and finding in each other support, forgiveness, courage and love.

Your favourite authors love Milly Johnson:

‘Reading a Milly Johnson book is like spending time with a best friend – you always end up feeling better about the world. Written with genuine warmth and heart, they’re an absolute treat’ Lucy Diamond

‘Milly Johnson always delivers an absolutely cracking read’ Katie Fforde

‘One of those novels that draws you in to its world and makes you wish you could be friends with Shay. A tantalising juicy tale full of twists and turns that kept me gripped. Warm, funny and moving. One to curl up with and devour’ Ruth Jones on The Woman in the Middle

‘The feeling you get when you read a Milly Johnson book should be bottled and made available on the NHS’ Debbie Johnson

‘Milly’s writing is like getting a big hug with just the right amount of bite underneath’ Jane Fallon