Jane Eyre

Charlotte Brontë (Michael Mason)
Penguin • 2003

Alternate editions can be found here and here.A gothic masterpiece of tempestuous passions and dark secrets, Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre is edited with an introduction and notes by Stevie Davis in Pe...enguin Classics.Charlotte Brontë tells the story of orphaned Jane Eyre, who grows up in the home of her heartless aunt, enduring loneliness and cruelty. This troubled childhood strengthens Jane's natural independence and spirit - which prove necessary when she finds employment as a governess to the young ward of Byronic, brooding Mr Rochester. As her feelings for Rochester develop, Jane gradually uncovers Thornfield Hall's terrible secret, forcing her to make a choice. Should she stay with Rochester and live with the consequences, or follow her convictions - even if it means leaving the man she loves? A novel of intense power and intrigue, Jane Eyre dazzled readers with its passionate depiction of a woman's search for equality and freedom.

  • Počet strán: 532 strán
  • ISBN13:9780142437209
  • Ďalšie vydania: Jane Eyrová

Sumár recenzie
Jane Eyre: Román Charlotte Bronte s podmanivým príbehom lásky si získal srdcia čitateľov už desiatky rokov. Hlavná postava, sirota Jane Eyrová, bojuje so životnými prekážkami a hľadá svoje šťastie. Spolu s tajomným pánom Rochesterom prežíva osudovú lásku so záhadným koncom. Bronteová svojím jazykom a atmosférou vytvorila nezabudnuteľný román plný tragiky a nádeje.

Alternate editions can be found here and here.

A gothic masterpiece of tempestuous passions and dark secrets, Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre is edited with an introduction and notes by Stevie Davis in Penguin Classics.

Charlotte Brontë tells the story of orphaned Jane Eyre, who grows up in the home of her heartless aunt, enduring loneliness and cruelty. This troubled childhood strengthens Jane's natural independence and spirit - which prove necessary when she finds employment as a governess to the young ward of Byronic, brooding Mr Rochester. As her feelings for Rochester develop, Jane gradually uncovers Thornfield Hall's terrible secret, forcing her to make a choice. Should she stay with Rochester and live with the consequences, or follow her convictions - even if it means leaving the man she loves? A novel of intense power and intrigue, Jane Eyre dazzled readers with its passionate depiction of a woman's search for equality and freedom.