Pollyanna Grows Up (Pollyanna #2)

Eleanor H. Porter

The sequel to Pollyanna finds the effervescent orphan on the verge of womanhood.Her crippled legs cured, Pollyanna takes her glad heart to cheer new friends in Boston before travelling to Europe with ...Aunt Polly and Dr Chilton. But growing up brings sorrows as well as joys, and when she returns after six years, with Dr Chilton dead and Aunt Polly fallen on hard times, even Pollyanna has trouble maintaining her usual cheerful outlook.

Sumár recenzie
Pollyanna dospieva: V tomto pokračovaní sa Pollyanna snaží priniesť pozitivitu aj do ťažkých situácií. Napriek dospievaniu nezabúda na svoju jedinečnú hru radosti a schopnosť vnímať pozitívne stránky života. Kniha Pollyanna dospieva nás učí, že aj v ťažkých časoch možno nájsť radosť a lásku vo svete okolo nás. Autorka Eleanor H. Porterová nám ponúka prostredníctvom Pollyanny dôležitú nauku o hľadaní radosti aj v najmenej očakávaných situáciách.

The sequel to Pollyanna finds the effervescent orphan on the verge of womanhood.

Her crippled legs cured, Pollyanna takes her glad heart to cheer new friends in Boston before travelling to Europe with Aunt Polly and Dr Chilton. But growing up brings sorrows as well as joys, and when she returns after six years, with Dr Chilton dead and Aunt Polly fallen on hard times, even Pollyanna has trouble maintaining her usual cheerful outlook.