
Jane Austen (Fiona Stafford)
Penguin Books • 2003

The newest edition is here. Another alternate cover can be found here.Emma Woodhouse is one of Austen's most captivating and vivid characters. Beautiful, spoilt, vain and irrepressibly witty, Emma org...anizes the lives of the inhabitants of her sleepy little village and plays matchmaker with devastating effect.

  • Počet strán: 474 strán

Sumár recenzie
Recenzia knihy Emma od Jane Austenovej prináša príbeh o Emmě Woodhousovej, krásnej a múdrej žene, ktorá sa ráda vmieša do životov iných. Aj keď je sympatická postava, Emma je považovaná za najotravnejšiu postavu od Jane Austen. Román ponúka zábavné dobové rozprávanie a pomalú romantickú linku medzi Emou a pánom Knightleym. Autorka skúma obavy a trápenia žien z lepšej spoločnosti v regentskom Anglicku prostredníctvom pôvabnej a dohadzovačky Emmy.

The newest edition is here. Another alternate cover can be found here.

Emma Woodhouse is one of Austen's most captivating and vivid characters. Beautiful, spoilt, vain and irrepressibly witty, Emma organizes the lives of the inhabitants of her sleepy little village and plays matchmaker with devastating effect.