Death Comes as the End

Agatha Christie a Steven Saylor

In this startling historical mystery, unique in the author's canon, Agatha Christie presents the puzzle of a deadly mystery at the heart of a dissonant family in ancient Egypt. Imhotep, wealthy landow...ner and priest of Thebes, has outraged his sons and daughters by bringing a beautiful concubine into their fold. And the manipulative Nofret has already set about a plan to usurp her rivals' rightful legacies. When her lifeless body is discovered at the foot of a cliff, Imhotep's own flesh and blood become the apparent conspirators in her shocking murder. But vengeance and greed may not be the only motives...

Sumár recenzie
Nakoniec príde smrť je Agathin Christie jediný historický román z roku 1944, odohrávajúci sa v starovekom Egypte. Príbeh sa sústredí na rodinu Imhotepa a tragickú smrť jeho konkubíny Nofret. V knihe sa miešajú psychologická rodinná dráma s detektívnym napätím a postavy sú priamočiare a jednoduché. Vyšetrovanie je koncipované skôr ako pozorovanie, až do záveru s prekvapujúcim odhalením páchateľa.

In this startling historical mystery, unique in the author's canon, Agatha Christie presents the puzzle of a deadly mystery at the heart of a dissonant family in ancient Egypt. Imhotep, wealthy landowner and priest of Thebes, has outraged his sons and daughters by bringing a beautiful concubine into their fold. And the manipulative Nofret has already set about a plan to usurp her rivals' rightful legacies. When her lifeless body is discovered at the foot of a cliff, Imhotep's own flesh and blood become the apparent conspirators in her shocking murder. But vengeance and greed may not be the only motives...